A Look Back At 2021!

I know I'm not the only one that feels like twenty-twenty-one flew by very quickly. This past year has been the fastest in my life and probably the best year thus far. Last year I considered it to be the year of pregnancy since a majority of the year I was pregnant, however, this year was my first full year as a new mom. The year was filled with many challenges which come with being a new mom and because of it all I am who I am today and I am so proud of myself. Ya'll are probably so sick and tired of hearing it but Lucy has brought so much joy into not only my life but my family's lives. I love looking at Instagram's top 9, which if you didn't know it's your top 9 popular posts of the year. I'm so happy that my top 9 only consisted of Lucy and it was probably the only year that my face wasn't on my top 9. I'm totally ok with that.

I'm really enjoying watching her grow it's the purest joy ever. It does sadden me how quickly she's growing up since I miss my little squishy so much but gosh I just love how interactive she is. She's such a storyteller and loves talking and screaming haha. It's freaking mind-blowing watching this little girl grow up and discover the world around her.

I know I've taken a step back from blogging which I'm a little sad about since it's something that I've always found enjoyment from. Things have changed so much since I got pregnant and then became a mom that obviously other things took priority. I'm not really sure who enjoys reading blog posts anymore, and as I mentioned previously I have really taken a liking to create videos for Youtube. I really hope to create much more content for YT as often as I can with the limited time I get haha. I just have really been enjoying looking back at all the videos I have created that include Lucy. Recently, I shared Lucy's 2nd Christmas video on my channel and I have played it for Lucy so many times. She is so into watching herself on the screen and not only her but she lights up whenever she sees me and Rudy. I can definitely see why people enjoy vlogging and such specifically to be able to look back at the memories.

This is a rather short post but I didn't want to let the New Year begin without me sharing my look-back post of the year with you all. I really hope everyone has a very happy and safe New Year!


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