Celebrating Three Years

Rudy and I are celebrating three years of marriage today. How has it already been three whole years? I feel that with each year that passes we've only gotten closer and stronger as a couple. I believe more each day that we were destined to be together. Rudy makes my life better. I look forward to waking up every morning, stand by his side, and take on the world together. He is my person. I will love you forever, I am so thankful for everything you have done and sacrificed for our family. I think about what the years to come will look like and having you by my side I'm excited about the future.

This past year of marriage started off pretty wild as we continued on our journey with fertility treatments and started on IVF. Shortly after we experienced a failed transfer which was probably the hardest thing we both had to learn how to deal with. Infertility is no joke and really tests your relationship. We finally got pregnant this year and we've spent the majority of the year enjoying this pregnancy. It has been pure bliss and everything we both wanted. Twenty-twenty has been quite a year with a lot of downs that have been going on in the world, but as for us, it has been one of the best years yet. Our family is finally expanding and we've had so many ups that have happened to us throughout the months.

I can't believe that during this year's anniversary shoot I'm pregnant! I've always wondered if this day would ever come and it's finally here. I was exactly twenty-nine weeks and one day pregnant when we had these photos taken. We headed to one of our favorite places to see if we could capture some nice pictures and I ended up loving the way they turned out. It was a perfect evening, and we were so lucky we got these pictures taken when we did. The day prior was extremely smoky due to all the California fires and the air quality was just terrible. Here are some of my favorite photos from our shoot. Enjoy!


  1. Lovely photos - you blend right in with the gorgeous flowers :) Congrats on the milestone!
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin


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