A Look Back At 2020!

Wow, what a year it has been! I feel like the last couple of months I have been so busy with obvious reasons, and time just slips through my hands. Before I know it the day is over and because of that, I haven't been able to blog as much as I wanted to. However, I didn't want to go a year w…

Lucy's Birth Story

It has been over a month since Lucy entered the world. A whole month since I became a mom, wow! I always said and hoped Lucy would make her debut early, but I never anticipated her coming when she did. Regardless of timing Rudy and I both feel that she arrived just in time, however, I do wish she w…

Third Trimester Updates

I wasn't sure when I'd be posting this post if it would be at the end of my pregnancy or with my baby in my arms already. Turns out I'm sharing this three weeks after my daughter was born, so I'm a little overdue. I have an excuse, right? Since I shared a post about my first two tri…

Autumn Traditions

I wasn't sure if Rudy and I were going to make it to a pumpkin patch this year being thirty-six weeks pregnant. I've been feeling a lot of Braxton Hicks and I have a huge feeling baby is coming early! Visiting a pumpkin patch is one of our favorite autumn traditions. Rudy and I decided to m…

A Note To My Daughter

As I sit here, typing this all down I have a whirlwind of emotions running through me. I have been dreaming and praying for this my entire life and it blows my mind that my time has finally come. I cannot believe how ridiculously fast this pregnancy has flown by. I've been enjoying every single…

Meet My Baby!

I'm sharing this post a lot sooner than I had planned. One week ago today baby girl Zambrano decided to make her entrance into the world at thirty-six weeks and five days gestation, and Rudy and I couldn't be more happier. I hope to share my labor story in the future if I ever manage to fin…

Maternity Photoshoot

I almost decided to skip on having maternity photos taken for a few different reasons, however, I'm so glad that we didn't. I will probably say this with each new set of photos Rudy and I take, but these have become some of my favorites for obvious reasons. This maternity shoot was such an …
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