Decking The Halls

Happy December!

I'm so thrilled to finally share this post with you guys. I say finally because Rudy and I decorated our home for Christmas way back during the second weekend of November. I know for some people November is way too early to bring out Christmas decorations, and normally, we don't decorate the house until the day after Thanksgiving. This year, however, Rudy and I agreed one month of Christmas decorations is not enough for us! I'm so glad Rudy loves Christmas just as much as I do. It makes this season even more enjoyable.

We went ahead and pulled down the tree and all decorations from storage, decorated the house while watching one of our all-time favorite movies, The Grinch. We've already picked up a few new ornaments this year. It's a tradition of ours to purchase one or two (or more) new ornaments a year so I'd love it if you could let me know if I should do a twenty-nineteen ornament haul. Once we were all done we spent the rest of the evening relaxing listening to some of our favorite Christmas vinyl while enjoying a sweet treat.

Have you decorated for the Holidays yet?


  1. my fave thing has got to be how very handsome Bow looks!
    super cute!

    1. Omg doesn't he?! I can't with him, he's the most precious thing in the world and loves Christmas time. Him and Juice are always so curious while we decorate and they're always hanging out under the tree!



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