SPRO Coffee Lab

Welcome back to another Food Series post! For a couple of months now I have been on a coffee shop kick trying to find all these new coffee shops for Rudy and myself to visit. Recently Rudy had come across this coffee shop called SPRO Coffee Lab and I was immediately sold by their unique coffee flavors, not to mention their coffee art! We were determined to visit this "coffee lab" on our next venture to San Francisco, and today I'm taking you along with me on our visit!

As soon as we arrived at SPRO I was a bit thrown off because I was expecting a legit coffee shop, this wasn't the case. SPRO is actually a coffee "food truck" style that serves coffee, teas, food, and even desserts for those of you who have a sweet tooth like I do. SPRO is not the only food truck on the block, you can find a ton more food trucks around which would be the perfect spot to hang out at on a nice warm afternoon.
When I first learned of this place I was drawn to their Black Swan latté which you can find tons of photos of on their Instagram! I had planned on ordering that during our visit up until I saw the "V" for Velvet latté on their menu. "V" for Velvet is their red velvet coffee which contains milk and their signature SPRO coffee.

Rudy ordered himself a hot Fifty Shades tea. This tea is made up of a premium grade earl grey black tea, rare silver tips white tea, infused bergamot, and fresh milk. 
The seating areas are super cute, there are tons of wooden chairs and tables to sit at. This bus on the photo above even has chairs and tables that you can go into and hang out in which was what Rudy and I did since it was a chilly morning. We even had the entire bus all to ourselves! Inside it had a very vintage feel, Rudy even said it looked like we were in a circus tent.
Check out my latté! How stunning is that swan, I still have no idea how this sort of art is possible!? My coffee was absolutely delicious. It had a natural sweetness from the red velvet. I was a big fan and Rudy really liked it as well. 
Alongside our drinks, Rudy ordered a grilled cheese that was so good. It was so cheesy which I'm all about. I limited myself to only a few bites and Rudy was more than ok with that haha. More for him!

Overall, I'm such a fan of this place already. I can not wait to go back again and this time give their Black Swan latté a try. It is total Instagram worthy! I also read that it is slightly sweeter than the red velvet one. If you are ever in the San Francisco area I highly recommend you check this place out. I really want to come back here in the Springtime. Like I already said this will be the perfect hangout spot to eat and drink. I know it's definitely a hot spot you wouldn't want to miss!
How have you guys been enjoying my food series posts? It's turned into a bit of a routine with me sharing a few visits to coffee shops back to back. I find myself to be a coffee enthusiast so I really hope you guys don't mind also because my next food series post may consist of yet another visit to a coffee shop, whoops! This time it will be a local one you can find in San Jose so please stay tuned for that.


  1. Looks so cute - the food looks so yummy too!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. Thank you! The coffee art from this place is so cute!


  2. This place looks so cute and delicious! I've added it to my list of places to visit.
    I'm really loving all of your food series!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. I think you'd really like this spot! It's filled with a bunch of other food trucks to choose from and there's even a little park. I really want to go back on a nicer day.



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