In This City

During the MLK Holiday a couple of weeks ago, Rudy and I had decided to venture off to San Francisco and spend the day exploring. We always have so much fun while we're in the city. There are so many things to do that we even keep a list of things we want to do and places we need to visit. It feels like each week we find something new to add to that list. Little by little, we're checking things off, and it's quickly become a weekly thing of ours to do, visit and explore this city. Like I said before, now that we're back in the Bay Area I plan on taking full advantage of all the things we can do around the area. I'm very glad that we're always finding new things to do in SF!

We did so much during this visit! We started the morning off by visiting a coffee shop I had been wanting to try out called Saint Frank Coffee. This was such a cute shop that I really wanted to take tons of photos so that I could share it on a food series post of mine. Unfortunately, it was super packed and busy on this day and I was only able to snap a couple of photos. I've already told Rudy that we need to visit this coffee shop again soon so that I can share it with you guys in the future. During our visit to Saint Frank, Rudy ordered a cappuccino and a ham and cheese croissant. I asked if they had an iced macchiato and the barista recommended I try their iced spiced caramel apple latte so I went ahead and order that while also treating myself to a favorite, a chocolate croissant. Both our coffees were delicious, especially mine! Not going to lie I was a little worried that I might not have been a fan of my drink. We both ended up sharing our coffees we couldn't get enough!
Then once we had gotten our coffee fix, we headed to the next destination of the day which was the Mosaic Stairway. For some time now, Rudy had been telling me that he wanted to visit this staircase and I even remember him showing me photos of it. It looked beautiful and it was, but even more so in person. I'm not sure if this stairway gets busy or not but we were definitely in luck because there was only one group of people as we arrived. We were able to spend as much time here as we wanted and also get some nice photos of each other on the staircase. Rudy decided to run all the way to the very top of the staircase while I stayed about halfway. The view from where I was standing was already stunning and it overlooked some of the city. While Rudy was at the top he snapped a few photos of his view and it was just amazing.
The final place we stopped at that I'm sharing in this post was the Twin Peaks Summit. This was another spot Rudy had always wanted to go to. Neither one of us had ever been here prior and it was truly so lovely. Again, not many people were here so we were able to get lots of really nice shots. So many people kept leaving while others were arriving. I even offered a few times to take some photos for people for exchange to have a photo taken of Rudy and myself. It was very windy here with being so high up.
Check out this view! I'm kind of scared of heights but mostly have a fear of somehow falling off a cliff or mounting. I can't even handle driving in the mountains without having major anxiety attacks so I was dying inside standing this close to the edge. Rudy kept assuring me that I'd be fine so that he could take some pictures of me. I swear though I felt like I was so close to falling off this cliff!
Once we left the Twin Peaks a friend of mine had suggested we stop by and check out some murrals so we immediately headed to the Balmy St Alley Art. I couldn't believe how much cool art there was to look at. We got a ton of photos and originally I wanted to include them in this post but it would have been a mega photo-overload post. I decided to share those photos in an entirely seprate post, that should be coming in the following week. As for now here's a little sneak peek of what you'll find in that post.


  1. Oh wow what a gorgeous city! Such beautiful photos xx

    Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️

  2. Those pictures of you guys at the Mosaic Stairway are soo cute!
    I see them camera skills, you capture the city so beautifully.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you! I love the way those photos came out. Rudy and I both are always messing around with the camera so that we can get the most in photos. I love the camera so much we've been feeling so motivated and creative while using it.



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