
Watching: tons of new and old shows! Rudy and I love cuddling up together and watching shows in the afternoon after we've both gotten home from work, cooked and eaten dinner together. This is something we've done since day one. Lately, we have been watching some old favorites like The Magicians (a must watch!), Riverdale, Teen Mom 2 (a guilty pleasure!), and Floribama Shore. Some new shows we've been really enjoying are The Masked Singer, Roswell New Mexico, and Deadly Class. We're both always looking for new shows to add to our weekly programming. Netflix has been kicking ass with their original shows and a couple we've both been obsessed with is, of course, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Haunting of Hill House, and YOU! I wasn't really expecting to enjoy YOU as much as I did. I already watched the Sabrina series and Hill House twice and I've been dying to rewatch YOU. I can not wait for season two of Sabrina and of YOU.

Obsessing: over our wedding pictures! I don't want to bore you guys with this but I can't get over how amazing they turned out. I've been going through them trying to decide on which photos to get printed and in what sizes so that I can finally hang some but it's been so hard to choose! Also, recently I created an entire photo book of tons of photos from our shoot, (it doesn't even contain all of them) and I think it turned out so perfect. I've been thinking and I kind of want to share it on a completely separate post. That way I can go more into details about, where I created my photo books, their quality, and the cost since I always get tons and tons of questions regarding all my photo books. What do you guys think about that?

Dieting: well kind of sort of! For a month now I became very strict on myself and really changed up my diet, like a lot. I'm not crash dieting or anything I just really want to get myself in a healthy place while maintaining a healthier lifestyle. I decided to cut out carbs, rice, pasta, tortillas, and desserts. I was a little nervous because I thought this would be very difficult for me to do. I don't think I eat unhealthy at all but I really wanted to take an extra step and maybe shed a few pounds. However, I have a rather large sweet tooth and love to treat myself after dinner. Surprisingly, I haven't been struggling! I do allow myself to have a few carbs like a cupcake, but only on the weekend. After dinner is when I crave something sweet the most so I allow myself to have one piece of chocolate. My diet has consisted of a lot of oatmeal with bananas daily! Salads three to four times a week, lots of veggies, chicken, lettuce wrapped turkey burgers, and quinoa. I love making burritos and normally use whole wheat tortillas but I have now switched over to a carb balance one. Same with rice, I no longer eat white rice and when I do I've been making brown rice. I've been trying to snack often through the day, I portion all my meals and I even get full a lot faster. I've already noticed such a difference in the way I look, feel, and how clothes fit. Lastly, I've added exercise to my daily routine. I have been doing a lot of walking daily however, it's been a little difficult the last couple of weeks because of all the rain we've been having which brings me to my next topic.

Disliking: what feels like the never-ending rain we've been having in the Bay Area! Don't get me wrong I love rain, but only while I'm home and I don't need to go out for errands or anything. With my job, I'm constantly in and out my car so it's been a challenge avoiding the rain. It will rain a few days during the week if that, then on the weekend it's nonstop rain which sucks since that is when Rudy and I have things to do or want to go exploring. I find myself checking the weather nonstop in hopes to see clear skies ahead haha. I'm looking forward to less wet weather because I have so much I want to do and I'm tired of having to push them back because of the rain. Here's to hoping for better weather this weekend so that I won't have to cancel mine and Rudy's plans to visit the city!

Anxious: about some personal things I've been dealing with. I have had a lot of questions that I finally decided to go get answers to once the new year began. Let me just add that I'm not going to go into details as to what this is about since it is, in fact, a touchy and sensitive topic for me. I really just wanted to come on here and slightly vent. I have been going back in forth with some, stuff, and I'm really hoping that sometime soon (later this week) I will finally get some answers that I've been asking myself for years and years. With this, I have been feeling very anxious and stressed as I don't want to be told anything bad or anything that I don't necessarily want to hear if this makes any sense with how "vague" I'm being. I'm just trying to think positive thoughts and hoping twenty-nineteen is my year with this journey and hopefully, it will come to an end. Who knows, maybe this will spark up a new journey in my life.


  1. You rewatched The Haunting of Hill House?! I've been wanting to rewatch it but I'm scared to watch it alone and I know Ricky won't watch it again, he said too many jump-scare. We have to talk about Rosewell, I'm a huge fan of the conspiracy theories but I don't know how I feel about the show, I haven't given it a try but I'm not convinced yet.

    Yes yes! Do a photo book review!!!

    I'm really looking forward to all these new journey you are starting. I'm super blessed to have someone like you, and just remember I'm always here for you!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you so much Imelda, this truly means a lot!



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