Fa La Land!

Welcome back to my blog, today I am going to bring you along with me to visit the North Pole. During my visit to Los Angeles, Rudy and I had tickets to Fa La Land, the world's most festive pop-up museum! In this magical place, there is so much you get to do. Like, hang out with Mrs. Claus as you write a letter to Santa and then Mrs. Claus will help get you sorted through the Naughty or Nice door. Then you get to see a wall of the Elf on the shelf. Make sure you don't forget to get an Elfie Selfie! You get to pick out a toy with your Golden Ticket. Walk through a neon forest filled with tons of whimsical creatures, swing into Candyfornia where you can swim in a pool of dot candy and so much more! In nearly every room they were also giving out candy. Now if you're ready, let's hop into Santa's sleigh and fly into this absolutely festive post!

Before getting started I wanted to say that this was one of the most fun pop-ups I have been to. Not just because it was all about Christmas and you know how much I adore Christmas but because it was just myself and Rudy. Normally in pop-ups like this, they let you in in small groups of people and this was only the two of us. Everyone was extremely nice and so cheerful it made me so happy just being there. We were allowed to stay in each room for as long as we wanted, no timers no being rushed. Only thing was we weren't allowed to go back into a room once we left it.

Upon entering you are faced with the first of many photo opportunities. At this festive wall, you see the Fa La Land logo and you are given a box to choose from lots of different props to use. Rudy and I grabbed the candy canes of course haha.
In the first room, you are immediately greeted by Mrs. Claus! I was so amazed by everything around me that I completely forgot to snap a picture with her. We had the entire room to ourselves which allowed us to get to hang out and talk to Mrs. Claus for as long as we wanted. She was so kind, gave us each a pen and paper, so festive, so we could write a Christmas list to Santa. I asked for everything clearly haha. Mrs. Claus was so kind to snap this photo of myself and Rudy. She said we had to capture this memory.
Once our lists were filled we were able to put them into the post office box, and after Rudy and I were each given a coin to make a wish into the wishing fountain. I can't tell you what I wished for or else it won't come true.
Once we're ready to leave the first room we have to walk through the naughty or nice door. Can you guess which doors we went through? Of course, we went through the nice door, even Mrs. Claus told the elf we were good cookies! Hooray!
In this second room, you're able to take an Elfie Selfie, spin the naughty or nice wheel (and the elf assured us it's extremely accurate haha), meet some life-sized toy soldiers, and there is even a live countdown to Christmas screen!
Rudy decided to spin the wheel and any guesses to what he landed on? The wheel predicted that Rudy was indeed naughty! Tun-tun-tun!
Nutcrackers are my favorite. I had a Nutcracker doll when I was younger, which I'm sure I still have somewhere in storage at my parent's house, and I loved him. I remember I would play with him all the time hoping that he would come to life and we'd go on an adventure like in the film. A girl can dream.
The backdrop is indeed tons and tons of colorful ornaments in a rainbow pattern! And by the way, I adore this picture of me and Rudy. The elf only took one shot and even said so himself we only needed one shot for the perfect photo!
The final activity we did in this room before moving on was getting a golden ticket! No not the one from Willy Wonka but I do wonder if these would also work... These are the "Toy to the world" Fa La Land prize ticket. We had three elf stamps to choose from, 1 2 and 3, and then we stamp whichever number we chose on our ticket for a future room where we get to pick out a toy!
Next, we entered the neon forest. This forest is filled with tons of Florence Christmas trees and inside you can see a few hidden animals. This forest was so magical and amazing. I've never seen a more colorful forest like this.
Hey look it's me with my golden ticket! Rudy and I had a lot of fun taking pictures here.
The third room is by far the sweetest room of all, Candyfornia. This room is filled with tons of large candies. The Christmas tree here was amazing and contained tons of candy ornaments. There is even a swing for the best photos to be taken in. I got tons of Katy Perry vibes from her California Girls music video in this room. She even recently visited Fa La Land too and took some photos here. How cool!
Further, into the room, they had a pool of Candy Dots! This wouldn't be a pop-up without a pool to swim in. I loved that we had the pool to ourselves and take our time taking pictures. It was so much fun.
Next, we enter the Fa La Fest where we get to party with the VIP Reindeers, dance with cactuses and take a photo in their lightbox underneath the mistletoe. They had music blasting, lights shining from left to right and check out that super cool dance floor!
In the final room, we get to meet Santa Claus, take his sled for a ride, pick out a toy from the wondrous toy box, and take tons of pictures with Santa himself! Rudy had a ton of fun driving us around in Santa's sled, it was so comfy in there. 
It's Santa!!!!
Remember those golden tickets we were given earlier? Well, this is where we got to redeem our toy gift. Rudy got a Chinese finger-trap and I got one of those hand clappers. I've always wanted one of those!
We had to get a photo with Santa. I've always wanted to go get a picture taken of Rudy and I with Santa but we've never done it until now and it's perfect. He really was oh so jolly and look at that mountain of toys behind us!
Before leaving the final room, I had to stop to have a mini little photo shoot inside this super cute photo booth filled with poinsettias! How stunning is this Fa La Phone booth? This is by far my favorite photo of myself from this pop-up.
Thank you so much for staying with me until the end of this post. I know it was a very mega photo overload post but aren't those just the best? I hope you enjoyed visiting the North Pole with me. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!


  1. Everything inside is picture perfect. I love the festive decor.
    Enjoy the holidays!


    1. Thank you so much, I couldn't agree more. You can't help but feel happy and cheery while being here. Happy Holidays!


  2. Don't apologize for the photo overload!!! I LOVE every single thing about this post. It looks like a dream! I want to come here!!! Also, I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR SWEATER! I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve. xx

    Madison | Breakfast at Madison’s

    1. Thank you so much Madison! I can never help myself and share nearly every single photo I take haha. Thank you I've been getting so much use out of that sweater this season it's so cozy, and it's from H&M!

      Happy New Year!


  3. OMG! I totally wish I went to Fa-la-land! I love all of your pictures this place looks so magical! I am in love with that picture of you on the phone booth, so cute!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you Imelda! It was so much fun I'm so happy we ended up going. It was luck!



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