One Year

Today marks one whole year that Rudy and I have been married, can you believe that, our first Wedding Anniversary! This past year has flown by insanely fast and can't believe how quickly it went. So many things have happened this past year many good and some not so good. I have to admit, this first year of marriage was a bit rough on us due to life throwing things at us from left and right. I'm just so thankful and so lucky to have had Rudy by my side every step of the way. It has only made us stronger as a couple. I couldn't imagine life without him he is my rock, my best friend, and partner in crime. We have created so many amazing memories that I will forever cherish. I hope this love we have continues to last forever because I'm very excited to see what surprises life will have in store for us.

To celebrate today, Rudy and I will be going out for dinner at a new favorite Italian restaurant of ours. We did most of our celebrating over the weekend since our Anniversary fell on a weekday. I may create an entire post dedicated to that in the future.  Lastly, we will conclude the evening by enjoying one dozen French macarons, only fitting since this is our one year! ;)

This is all for now, I just wanted to share something short and sweet in regards to today.


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! What a wonderful thing to celebrate - an entire year of marriage. So, so happy for you and wish you and Rudy many more years of happiness!

    Madison | Breakfast at Madison’s

  2. Happy Anniversary! Sending you warm wishes on your anniversary; may you continue to grow older and happier together.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

  3. Aw such a sweet post - I hope you have a lovely anniversary and are looking forward to all your years of happiness together <3

    // xx


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