
Loving: SUMMER! You guys, I never thought I would be that girl that actually enjoyed summer. I love nice cool weather and I don't like getting too hot or feeling sweaty. Also, I hate getting tanned and always want to keep my tattoos out of the sun. Lately, I just have been embracing the warmth since Winter in Washington is no joke. Once Spring hit I couldn't wait for warm days and that didn't happen until Summer rolled around. Now that it's here I'm trying my best to appreciate these warm days. I guess the fact that we have a pool to keep us cool has a lot to do with it. It probably is the main reason why I'm enjoying Summer so much. The weather has really been perfect and definitely not overly hot at all. It's still warm enough for a swim, wear pretty dresses, and take a walk without feeling like you're close to melting. But also nice enough to wear leggings or a light cardigan if I'd like. It has been very well balanced and if it ever is too hot out I can hang out inside my place since it's very cool or like I said earlier take a dip into the pool. You can catch me in the pool all Summer long!

Reading: Hocus Pocus and The All-New Sequel! (One of my New Years resolutions was to read more books and I think I've been doing pretty good on that even though I have been kind of slacking recently.) I was super excited when I found out about this book release. Like so many, Hocus Pocus is up high on my list of favorite Halloween movie. This book includes the Hocus Pocus story that we are all familiar with and love, but it's written a bit differently since they go back and forth into the past and present. When I picked up this book I was about to skip this story completely and just head onto the sequel but I'm glad I didn't. I am able to relive the story in a different way plus the more I read the closer I'm getting to the new story and it's making me very excited. Which leads me onto my next thought.

Thinking: of Autumn! I tend to go back and forth on what's my favorite season, spring or fall, but in all honesty, I think Autumn wins by a hair. When I start to think of this season, usually once September is approaching, I automatically think of my childhood. The days start to get cooler, the colors of the leaves begin to change, Halloween decorations are popping up everywhere, and my birthday is coming up! I just love that feeling I have inside when we're in this season I don't know how to describe it. It's kind of like the joy that's in the air around the Holidays if that makes sense. Now I'm really trying not to think too much of Autumn because I'm trying to enjoy as much of Summer as I can before it goes away but some days I really can't help it. I'm also thinking of all the fun things I'd like to do. Rudy already proposed we go apple picking which I'm all for! Of course, we can't forget to stop at a pumpkin patch and get tons of pictures! A possible pumpkin patch photo shoot Imelda? Ehh? ;)

Nervous: about my birthday! I don't always talk about how old I'm turning, not that it's a secret I just don't. I'm not shy when it comes to sharing my birthday I just keep the number of years I'm turning to myself. However, next month I will be no longer be in my twenties and I'll officially be thirty. WOW, that's so weird to say! I never in my wildest dreams thought of myself when I would be thirty years old. I don't want to say that's old because when I see so many people in their early, mid, and late thirties I don't ever consider them to be old. Yet, when I think of myself turning the big 30 I really can't help but think I'm getting old. Even though I try my best not to look at it that way, it probably has to do with the constant demons I struggle with inside due to my past depression. Or maybe now I'm finally starting to really truly realize I'm no longer a kid (even though I haven't been one for a while) it's just feeling more legit now. It's only starting to hit me as of very recent but the good thing is since Rudy and I share the same birthday it makes it a little easier to stop thinking of what age I'm turning and focus on his day of birth.

Looking forward to: the following months! Rudy and I have so many things we want to do specifically in September, and there's a lot of planning we must to do. Numerous times we find ourselves asking each other what do we want to do and our minds go blank. So to avoid that I began writing a list of things we want to do and places we want to visit. I'm so excited to check out a few new places, we recently purchased tickets to the newest pop-up in SF and I already know it's going to be really fun. There is a trip we are trying to see if we can squeeze in, a photo shoot, a job opportunity, and we have a ton of birthdays in the month of September. I've been really enjoying the little adventures Rudy and I have gone on lately because of all the memories that go along with them. Doing things like this really helps keep me inspired when it comes to my blog. Not only am I looking forward to visiting new places but I'm also excited about this next adventure life has recently offered us. Like always, I hope it all goes well and I will update more on this in the future.

Excited: for my one year wedding anniversary! In exactly a month from today, it will mark a year that Rudy and I got married!! I can't even believe how quickly that went by. First off, I still can't believe we're married. I've gotten used to calling Rudy my husband but if I sit down and actually think about it all I'm still in awe that's it's finally happened. Sometimes I manage to forget that my last name changed and accidentally sign things with my old name, oops haha. I'm still not quite certain on what we'll be doing to celebrate this amazing day. We have discussed a couple of options, places to visit and spend the day. It's just not set in stone as of right now. I just want to do something together, anything together and celebrate us. It's a pretty important day if you ask me and as long as we're out of the house on some kind of adventure and eating a cake or a macaron or two, that's all that matters to me.

Wanting NEEDING: a trip to Disneyland! If you guys didn't already know Disney is a huge part of my life. I grew up with Disney and Disneyland was the place Rudy proposed to me, definitely a Disney fan's dream come true! I can't even begin to tell you how many trips I've made to Disneyland since I was an Annual Passholder for 2-3 years. It's been a while since mine and Rudy's last trip to Disneyland and we're both ready to get back to it! There's been a couple of times where we randomly think of making a trip to Anaheim but we get so caught up with other things to do that are more important like spending quality time with our family. We're determined to make a trip out to LA happen really soon and I just can not wait. To many, this may sound silly, but Disneyland holds a very special place in my heart. There is nothing like being there, you literally forget about all your troubles out in the real world. I always get so emotional as we're about to walk into the park, especially upon opening when they drop the ropes with the beautiful music playing in the background. I'm really looking forward to this happening and hopefully soon! I may have a fun little Disney dedicated post coming up sometime in the future, so keep an eye out!

Can't believe: that this is my 200th blog post! (I felt this was totally worth mentioning.) How insane is it that I managed to have published 200 posts since I first started blogging back in 2015. I am guilty of deleting a lot of older posts that I was no longer proud of. I can't explain as to why, but since then I have made it a mission of mine to never again publish something that isn't ready for the public eyes, publish something only to get content out, and of course, anything I'm not 110% happy and proud of. In the last three years, I have blogged off and on due to personal reasons. However, at the end of the day, I love doing this so much. I can firmly say that I love blogging so much more since when I first started. I have learned so much and I feel that I have improved in so many ways. I don't know if I will ever get sick of it, but to be completely honest I don't think I ever will. I absolutely love having this platform to document things from my life, especially since I get to look back on so many amazing memories from past years. Which I already do many times. I look forward to seeing where my posts will be in the future along with how much my blog will have grown and of course how much I will have grown as a blogger. Blogging alone has been one of my favorite adventures I've been on the last few years.


  1. WOW! SO many milestones in this post - almost one year anniversary, turning 30, 200th post ... Congrats on it all!!! I am in very much need of a Disney trip, too. We are going in November, and I am so excited! You look fab. Love this dress so much, and I wish I could rock red lips as effortlessly as you do. xx

    Madison | Breakfast at Madison’s

    1. Thank you Madison! It has been a heck of a year. I'm so excited for your November trip! You can totally pull off a red lip too ;)


  2. This photo is beautiful x

  3. so many great milestones! love your dress!

  4. You should do like a book club post, to share what you are currently reading and a bit about it. I think that would be fun! Congrats on your 200th post!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Oh that would be an interesting series. I'll have to add that to my list of blog post ideas. Thanks Imelda!


  5. Congrats on all of the above - I love reading about other people's milestones <3 I know what you mean about Disney too, I was lucky enough to visit earlier last week and it certainly lifted my spirits. A venture to see Mickey is required at least twice a year!

    // xx

    1. Thank you! It has been so hard going from taking monthly trips to Disney to zero in the last couple of years! But yes, hopefully real soon. I'm so glad you were able to make a trip recently :)



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