Fall Bucket List

Happy first day of Autumn! This is by far my favorite season. You will catch me saying this every single year as the season approaches! Since I created a summer inspired bucket list I really wanted to make sure I made one for the fall. There are so many things that I look forward to doing during this amazing season especially this year living in a new state with my husband! (That still feels so weird to say haha.) Today I'm going to share with you what's on my fall bucket list.

Visit a local pumpkin patch!✔️
I love going to pumpkin patches and it has to be one of my favorite things to do during the fall. I try to go to at least one every year and sometimes that doesn't happen. Last year I managed to go to two different ones. I'm so excited to hopefully check out one in Seattle especially since it will really feel like fall here unlike it did in California.

Watch scary movies!✔️
One of my favorite genres in films has got to be horror, especially around Halloween time. I absolutely love enjoying a scary film while it's nice and chilly out. I get cozy on the couch with a blanket, Rudy, and our dogs. Then let the movie do its job of scaring us, usually me haha. This year I have a few classic movies I want to try and watch with Rudy!

Carve a pumpkin!
Can you believe that I have never in my 29 years of life carved a pumpkin?! I love going to pumpkin patches to pick out pumpkins just to display them at the house but not to carve them. I don't know, I just feel that carving them kind of cuts their lifespan in half. Rudy's done it before when we first started dating but not me. However, this year I would love to at least try carving a pumpkin myself.

Take some fall outfit pics!
Fall fashion is definitely my favorite fashion, probably because I prefer cold over hot weather. I enjoy layering different pieces of clothing together and I adore the darker fall colors. Some of my favorites are black of course, burnt orange, mustard, and burgundy.

Visit the Spirit of Halloweentown!
There is a town in Oregon where the Disney movie Halloweentown was filmed. Every year for the month of October they decorate the town as they did for the film for people to visit and enjoy a lot of different entertainments. Last year Rudy and I talked about possibly going for a visit October of 2017 since it would be a rather large trip. Now we are only a couple of hours away from it and my sister in law is also so excited to go visit!

Wear all the comfy sweaters!✔️
Big soft fluffy sweaters are my favorite piece of clothing to wear when it's chilly out. I love all styles of them and I'm always on the hunt for new ones. I have seen so many gorgeous ones at H&M recently and I'm anxious to go back to grab a few.

Make Halloween inspired dessert!
I love to bake especially around the Holiday seasons, it makes baking so much more exciting. I'm really looking forward to making some Halloween cookies and cupcakes, but I'll admit I'm a little more excited about eating them haha.

Rewatch my favorite Halloween movies!✔️
Every year I rewatch the same Halloween movies from the previous years. I look forward to watching Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown, The Nightmare Before Christmas and so much more. I grew up watching these films so it's somewhat nostalgic for me. Plus they're some of the best Halloween films, and I definitely don't mind watching them any time of the year.

Eat lots of candy!
You can't celebrate fall without enjoying some Halloween themed candy, am I right? I for one love chocolates a little bit more around this time of year.

What are you most looking forward to doing during fall? I'd love to hear what is on your bucket list for this season.


  1. These all sound like great things to put on the bucket list. I really want to visit a pumpkin patch too, there is just something about choosing a pumpkin that is so exciting.

  2. im the same with pumpkins. ive cut them but it sucks that they die faster so i always just decorate them in some way.

    this is the best season ever!!!!
    out here in CA, the sun is still out but at least the wind is cooler but i saw that were back in the 90's next week >-<

    ahh! thats so cool about halloween town! specially since youre so close!
    i hope you make it! cant wait to see those pictures!!!

    1. That's what is so annoying with CA, the inconsistency with the weather. I started hearing mixed reviews on Halloweentown that its not worth the trip which really bummed me out. I'm still hoping to check it out for myself.

  3. Im in love with the fall season as well because its the time of the year for wearing the most cute and comfy clothes ever! SWEATERS!!! So I love that you included them in your list! haha


    1. I think there is something about sweaters that are so comforting :)


  4. That's so awesome that you can go to the REAL Halloweentown. I'm jealous! This will be my first real fall in 3 years, since I'm moving to Ohio after living in California. So excited!


    1. It will be so cool to visit and I'll probably even pretend I'm apart of the movie haha. Oh that is exciting, I love the fall weather and the last something years in CA it rarely felt like fall.

  5. I can't wait to see all of the pictures you take during Fall in Washington. I'm so jealous you get to go to Halloweentown. It's going to be great! I'm really hoping to visit a pumpkin patch too, I'm already starting to save a few.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. I'm hoping to go to some pumpkin patches soon since they officially open this weekend. I heard some mixed reviews on Halloweentown, that it really isn't worth the visit. People said that they don't even put out the big pumpkin anymore because it got vandalized. I still kind of want to go to check it out for myself but we'll see.

  6. Great list! Will be doing some of these myself! :D

    Megan | www.MummyandHarrison.co.uk | Fashion, Lifestyle and Parenting Blogger.

  7. Yay I hope you get to do a lot of fun things this fall!



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