Summer Bucket List

I've never made a bucket list for myself let alone a Summer bucket list. One morning as I was browsing through old blog posts I realized that there are a few things I'd love to do this Summer. I always try to think of things Rudy and I can do every season so why not write them down and try checking them off one by one. There are even a few things that I've already accomplished! I think I'm going to also try making a bucket list for every season and see what I actually get done. Wouldn't that be interesting?

Visit a Fair! ✔️
I hadn't been to a fair in so long and I can't even tell you when was the last I went to one. As a kid, I was the biggest fan of going to fairs or carnivals during Summer. Luckily a town close by holds a fair every year and Rudy and I checked it out this past weekend since we missed it last year. It was a lot of fun, minus the fact that it was incredibly hot. Next time I go to a Fair I'd like to make sure it's more in the late afternoon, around when the sun is close to setting. That way it won't be so hot and how cool will photos look with all the lights?

Catch a late movie! ✔️
This is something Rudy and I never do, go to the theaters late. I enjoy going to the movies and watch the earliest showing for a few reasons: One, tickets are extremely cheap! Two, the theater is usually empty. Three, you have the rest of the day to go on another adventure. And four, I'm up early anyway haha. I hate watching a movie in a crowded theater since people are usually loud and don't understand the fact that there are other people also trying to enjoy the film they paid for. A couple weeks ago Rudy and I caught a late showing of Cars 3 and I have to admit it was nice catching a late movie for a change. There are many more movies out and coming out that I'd love to see this Summer.

Visit a beach! ✔️
This is definitely me stepping outside of my comfort zone. I never go to the beach and I'm not the biggest fan of it for a few reasons. I hate being out in the sun and feeling hot. Rudy has been wanting to go to the beach for a while now. After watching MOANA and seeing how beautiful the ocean was it changed my mind making me want to go to the ocean. I'd much rather visit someplace tropical like Hawaii but a local beach will have to do for now. It'll also be nice to visit new places and keep things adventurous.

Enjoy a BBQ! ✔️
Another thing I managed to already do. On Fourth of July, my dad actually threw a BBQ at home. We used to have BBQ's at my house what felt like all the time during Summer and it was so nice having another one on the holiday. There was so much delicious food I was so stuffed. I live for those toasty corns, yum! There's nothing like a BBQ dinner in the Summer time!

Wear as many dresses as possible! ✔️
I love wearing dresses and I already try wearing them as much as I possibly can. They are so easy to dress, no pun intended. It's one piece of clothing and all you have to do is slip it on! No need to worry about other pieces matching and it keeps you feeling so fresh on hot days. I don't even have to mention how comfy they are.

Go on a picnic!
For weeks now I've been wanting to go to a park and have a picnic. I want to go all out with a blanket, basket, some chips or crackers to snack on, home made sandwiches, fruits, and Belvoir rose lemonade. This would be a perfect way to spend the afternoon relaxing and enjoying Mother Nature. I'm really hoping to accomplish this one this weekend, so I'll have to find the perfect picnic basket!

Eat some frozen yogurt!
I'm not a huge ice cream girl but I'm a big fan of frozen yogurt! When Rudy and I first started dating I remember we would go to Pinkberry almost every week for dinner haha. It was so much fun. I find froyo to be so much more lightweight than ice cream, and I love adding toppings to it. This is such an easy way for me to sneak more fruits into my diet too. It's such a healthier alternative.

Go swimming!
When I was a kid you could catch me somewhere swimming all Summer long. Back then we had a few family members who had pools at their house, outside of San Jose that is, during our visit we would all be on the water until dark. If we weren't there we had season passes to Ranging Waters. I was seriously a mermaid and never wanted out of the water haha. Since growing up and becoming a lot more body conscious I haven't stepped foot into a pool in ages! On warm days it really makes me miss swimming. Every year when Summer ends I sadly say how there goes another Summer I didn't go swimming. I don't know how or where but I'm making it a mission to go swimming somewhere this year!

Take a small or big trip! ✔️
It's been so long since Rudy and I have gone on a vacation. Seven months to be exact, but who's counting... The last couple of years we took countless of trips to Disneyland it was truly magical. We got to enjoy Disney so much and I really miss it. There are a few places I really want to go but there is one place specifically that is mine and Rudy's mission to get to. We're crossing our fingers and toes that this can happen sometime in the next few weeks. Cross your fingers for us and don't forget your toes!

Is there anything on your Summer bucket list?


  1. Those sound like good plans, I plan on having a picnic too.

    1. I''m hoping to complete everything on the list! Fingers crossed!


  2. I love how you're ticking them off, this is such a cute idea!

  3. Frozen yogurt is the best during summer even though I could totally eat it every single day hehe.

    1. Girl, you and me both. I was ecstatic when they opened up a Pinkberry close to me that I was almost there every day. Whoopsies haha.

  4. Sounds like you have a great summer ahead!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    1. Thanks, I have to try keeping it a little exciting ;)


  5. This summer bucket list is perfect! You also have to include many hangouts with your bestie! ❤

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

  6. Love all of these things! It's really cold winter here in New Zealand at the moment so we've got a bit of a wait for the warmer weather. However, I will be trying to get to the beach more once it warms up, it's only 5 minutes walk from my house!

    1. You are so lucky to have a beach so close to you. I have a couple beaches near by but I don't think its ever really warm enough to go.


  7. These refreshments will be best for summer and you have done a great job by sharing these wonderful refreshments with us. These will be best to beat the heat.


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