Movies, Lots Of Food, And Flowers

I feel like this was a busy weekend. Friday started extremely early for me and my family got some bad news which I will spare you guys from. Once Rudy got home from work we had dinner and he wanted to get us out of the house to try and cheer up for a couple of hours. We ended up at Santana Row, grabbed some coffee and walked around the outside mall the weather was perfect. It gets pretty busy there in the afternoons with lots of people enjoying dinner at yummy restaurants, people walking their dogs, music playing and tons of stores to shop at! It's a pretty area and it's currently filled with a lot of flowers blooming. Rudy is the absolute best and got me goodies from Ted Baker that I had been wanting, and then we ended the night watching shows on Netflix.

Saturday we were out of the house early once again. We had plans to get some bagels for breakfast at one of our favorite spots. After breakfast we headed to the theaters to watch Beauty and the Beast. The movie was incredible both Rudy and I were in awe! It was more amazing than anything I imagined a must watch for sure especially if you're a Disney fan. Then we were off to the mall for some walking and before heading back home we stopped at MOD for some pizza. I love a plain cheese pizza!

Sunday mornings always consist of us doing our grocery shopping for the week. We stopped by Whole Foods to pick up some flowers for the house. I love tulips and become so obsessed with them during the warmer days. We kind of decided last minute to head to the Livermore Outlets for the morning. While there we grabbed a pretzel to snack on, this is Rudy's favorite part haha. I was so excited I finally was able to pick up a pair of shoes I've been wanting for some time now. It was Rudy's dad's birthday and we went over to their house for a visit. We ate some tacos and we also brought him cake, it is one of my favorite cakes ever. Before going back home we stopped to pick up some boba tea so we can enjoy while we watched tv. Juicy loves to cuddle with us while we lay in bed watching our shows. Before the night is over I washed off my makeup and took a bath. This is becoming a Sunday night routine that I love.


  1. So many beautiful flowers I look forward to spring because of that.

  2. Those Tulips are so pretty! ❤ So many goodies in a weekend, I can't wait to see Beauty and the Beast.

    1. Tulips are my favorite. I really want to watch BB again! It was so good.

  3. beauty and the beast was amazing!
    i cried from beginning to end. i was surprised my bf wanted to see it. we went and he ended up falling asleep -_______-
    but i loved it so heey! im going back on friday with my mom and sister and i cannot wait!!!

    1. Yay, I want to watch it again too! The music was so good.


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