A Look Back At 2015!

I can't believe it is almost 2016!! This past year was filled with lots of ups and a few downs. No matter what I'm going through in life I am always trying to look at the bright side and count my blessings. Here are a few memories from 2015 from spending countless days at Disneyland, many …

Merry Christmas

It's been a couple of months since I have been on here so I just wanted to quickly wish everyone a very Merry Christmas & a happy New Year! I'm going to try to make some time to start posting more often again. I wanted to share just a few photos of our Christmas decorations.   I hope y…

Mary Poppins Hat

This year for Halloween I'm going to be dressing up as Mary Poppins as you may already know. This costume is one I've wanted to do since last year but like every other year, I didn't do any planning ahead of time & then end up doing something super easy & last minute. Once Rudy & I decided we were going to Disneyland to celebrate our birthdays along with celebrating Halloween a little bit early I wanted to plan our costumes asap! We also had finally purchased our tickets to Mickeys Halloween Party at Disneyland, which we are both so excited about! It was going to be our first time attending so I really wanted a well-thought costume even if it was something easy to do.

Disneyland Vacation Photos

Last week Rudy & I went back to our favorite place on earth, Disneyland. We've made a tradition to go every year for our Birthdays. This year we went the week after our birthday & it was so much fun as it usually is. It was so nice to be back there I swear if I could just live there I …
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