
Enjoying: Lucy! I love her so much, I swear I never knew this level of love existed until she was born. I'm always saying that as she grows and gets older she's only becoming more and more fun. Lucy is all over the place and has been for a while. She has taken a few steps on her own and has also stood up all on her own for a few seconds but I don't think she feels quite confident to take off all on her own just yet. I'm not in any rush to get her to walk. I can only imagine what mess she'll get herself into once she does start walking haha. This girl is wild and I mean it when I say it haha she is just so curious and determined. Anyway, now that Lucy can support herself more on her own feet it has been a lot of fun holding one or both of her hands and helping her walk, she loves that. She will go get her activity walker and start walking with it all on her own, she loves playing peek-a-boo, and currently, she is really into emptying things out like drawers and then putting everything back inside. So far every stage Lucy has been in has been so much fun I seriously can't wait to continue watching her grow.

Excited: for the holiday season! I absolutely love the Christmas season. All of the holidays this year have been even more special. Last year it was special since Lucy had just joined us earthside and they were all her firsts. This year will be even more special since she is older and is so much more aware of her surroundings. She is so curious I love it! I love seeing life through her eyes it's truly special. She really enjoyed all of the Halloween festivities. This year she was able to join us in having Thanksgiving dinner and actually eat with us too! I personally think Christmas is so much more magical, plus Rudy and I go all out for it too. We have had our tree up since the very beginning of November, we were just too excited to wait, and Lucy more and more now goes up to it and touches the branches. She's been really intrigued with the lights and grabs a light bulb and holds it in her hand, the same thing with some of the ornaments on the bottom of the tree. I was kind of nervous about how she'd do with the tree and ornaments but so far it hasn't been bad. Now we'll have to see what she'll do once presents begin to appear under the tree.

Kind of sad: that our nursing journey has come to an end! I'm officially no longer nursing. Lucy slowly started refusing to nurse and I continued offering it to her for about two weeks until she was refusing it every day. I have replaced her last nursing session with a bottle of oat milk. I don't think I ever shared this but the milk option we have chosen to offer Lucy is oat milk. I have given her cow's milk a few times and she doesn't mind it at all but we're mainly sticking to oat milk. I still have bags of the gallon ziplock bags filled with baggies of my frozen milk so she is still drinking breast milk and that should last her well into the new year. I'm really happy that I continued pumping after each nursing session for as long as I did because now that Lucy is no longer on the boob I can still give her breast milk that I stocked up on in the freezer.

Wanting to: create more videos for Youtube! While I was pregnant I was really hoping to put out as much content as I possibly could sharing this new season in my life and well I didn't expect to be as tired as I was haha. Some days I didn't even want to be bothered to film which I'm bummed about now looking back. I also wished I started filming a lot more while Lucy was a newborn since that would have been a lot easier compared to nowadays with a crazy little lady running around everywhere. I'm pretty surprised I ended up filming as much as I did this year, but I'd like to do more next year. I haven't shared as much as I used to on my blog since having Lucy, however, I kind of want to focus more on my Youtube channel moving forward. What do you all think?


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