A Collective Beauty Haul

Recently I accumulated a few beauty items and I thought it's the perfect time for a mini haul. As you all know I rarely share haul posts since I don't purchase a lot of beauty products at once. I'm thriving with a minimal collection but every once and a while a haul won't hurt. It&…


Focusing: on myself! Since the year started I told myself I was going to take care of me more. No more stressing about others and pulling myself too thin. This year is all about me and my mental health. I'm a people pleaser and as much as I like to be a good friend to others I need to focus mor…

How I Clean My Rings

I'm excited to share another DIY post with you guys and this one is all about how I clean my wedding rings at home. A year or two ago I shared a step by step video on my Instagram Stories and I had so many of you reaching out to me asking me questions. I'm surprised I never shared a blog p…

My Favorite Jewelry Pieces

In today's post, I wanted to talk about some of my favorite jewelry pieces. For almost a year now my jewelry collection has grown a ton. I never wore necklaces since I no longer owned any. Rings, I wore the same rings all the time, my wedding rings and my favorite moonstone ring. My earrings w…
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