A Floral Café

Happy 2020 everyone!

It's the start of a brand new decade and more than ever I am thrilled about all the potential this year has to offer. I wanted to kick things off with a new food series post that I'm super excited about. Since it had been some time that Rudy and I went looking for a new coffee shop to try out I knew I wanted to start the new year by visiting a new place. Yelp is my favorite place to discover new places to try and boy did they help me find a winner.
I came across a new shop called K Café Patisserie & Tea House and I was instantly in love. K Café is a newly opened shop that opened its doors on December 1, 2019. They've quickly become a hit and I think their interior may have something to do with it. On their menu, you can find coffee hot or iced, tea hot or iced, a slushie, pastries from macarons, croissants, toasts, cakes and more! I think they're really popular with their Eggpucino.

This has by far been the cutest spot I have ever visited. The exterior alone was beautiful. The shop is pink from the inside out, this is a millennial's dream come true. They offer seating outside in their patio which is completely dog-friendly. If you choose to sit outside you'll be surrounded by neverending greenery, I'm not complaining. But, the best part is stepping inside.
It's like you're stepping into a pink Victorian flower wonderland and it's pure magic. This probably is a hipster place because of it's aesthetic but it's a place well worth visiting. Rudy and I really enjoyed our time here, and yes even Rudy was a fan. The staff was so friendly, and everyone here was enjoying the beauty this shop had to offer, tons of photos being taken from left to right while enjoying all the yummy foods accompanied by friends and family.
We decided to order a few things so that way we could try more of what's on their menu. I ordered a Vietnamese coffee, Mango Passionfruit green tea, Shrimp toast, and a chocolate croissant. Neither one of us had ever had a Vietnamese coffee and it's true when they tell you its strong. It was delicious, had a hit of cocoa and it was lightly sweetened with condensed milk. Rudy was a huge fan of it. The Mango Passionfruit green tea was also really good. The perfect refresher you'd need on a warm day. Very fruity and it had a few pieces of fruits inside along with slices of oranges.

Apart from the decór, the shrimp toast on the menu was another reason I wanted to visit K Café. This toast was perfect. It was so delightful that I wish Rudy and I weren't sharing it because I wanted my own haha. I definitely would recommend you giving this one a go. Once we finished up with the toast we shared a very simple chocolate croissant which is one of our favorite things to get.
If you can't tell from the photos this place is heavenly, and no I cannot stop talking about how gorgeous this place is. I'm already talking to Rudy about going back and he's ready too! If you're planning on visiting K Café I would advise you to get there early. They open at 1pm every day and they get pretty busy as soon as the doors open. Get there early so that way you can get some good seats for those photos.
What did you think of this floral café? Is this a place you think you'd like to visit? I hope you enjoyed this post, and what would you like to see next on a food series post?


  1. Omg that place looks absolutely incredible!!

    1. It was amazing! Thanks for stopping by Anna!


  2. So many cute pictures! This place looks and sounds so lovely, I'll definitely be adding this place on my list of places to visit.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you! I think you'd really enjoy this place. I wish you were still close so that we could go together on a girl date.



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