
Enjoying: October! This is one of my favorite months out of the year (It all begins with September all through December.). What I love most about this month is the shift of weather, the magical feeling of Halloween and all it's decor, bundling up in bed watching some of my favorite Halloween or a scary movie with my pups and Rudy, all while enjoying a sweet treat or two. October is such fun because I consider it to be the kick-off to the holiday season and who doesn't love the holidays? In this month Rudy and I always make a trip to visit a pumpkin patch and so far this season we've gone to two! I can't wait to share a post with all the photos we took. Apple picking is now a must for us to do and not only is it so much fun and we manage to get tons of cute memories captured, but we get to enjoy baking and eating a fresh apple pie! I've already shared a post from this year's apple picking so if you haven't already checked that out what are you waiting for?

Feeling: a mix of emotions! This has truly been a crazy, busy, hectic month already! Sometimes I feel there is so much going on that I don't have much time to even breathe and it's only going to get crazier with the following weeks to come. I have been finding myself getting emotional out of nowhere for literally nothing. I have never experienced anything so wild like that. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to really share this but I will be having a minor surgery soon. I'm not exactly sure as to when since it will kind of be a last-minute type of thing, not really but I'd find out a couple days prior. By the time this post is out, I should have already found out when the surgery is so I'm trying to pre-write a couple of posts in case I'm too busy in bed recovering. I'd be lying if I'd say I wasn't nervous because who doesn't get nervous just before surgery, but luckily this isn't anything major and I just have a feeling that all will go well. As I said it's just been a wild month and the more the days come and go and the closer I am getting I can really feel emotions about to burst. Positive thinking is all I've been about and I'm so grateful for everything that has happened thus far. I remind myself everyday how lucky I am.

Loving: the support I have in my life! I don't think I have ever mentioned it here or anywhere actually. There's a lot of stuff I have been dealing with and going through in my personal life. This kind of goes hand in hand with my previous feelings of mixed emotions. Lots of really good stuff has happened to me so far but I'm just not quite ready to share all the details just yet. I know this is so annoying when people say there's something going on but I can't tell you... then why bring it up in the first place right? I just really wanted to put this out here so that hopefully sometime soon in the future I get to share everything with my readers. There's been a lot that I have been doing for quite a few months but it wasn't until the end of September that things got real. Not many people in my life know what I've been doing, and through all of these past months, I have really learned who I can really share this personal information with without feeling judged and feel bad about it, along with learning who I can truly count on and lean on. I'm so thankful for the small group of family and friends that have truly been the best support system I need through these rough months. Ok, that's enough of me being so vague I really hope that I get to share this journey with those who care soon. Putting out a lot of positive vibes out into this universe.

Excited: for the future! Ahh, you guys are really going to hate me with how vague I'm being in this post and I'm so sorry. There's just a lot going on in my life as I mentioned and even though at times I get very overwhelmed, nervous, and even scared I'm so excited for what's to come. I feel weird saying this but I have had this very strong feeling in my heart that something great is about to happen for a few months now. It's a very strange feeling but its a very strong one. I have been so hopeful so focused on this and I'm pretty excited for the next few weeks. Things have been really hard specifically on myself but I know that at the end of this journey it will all be worth it and I would do it all over for that special outcome. I try not to say all of this too often just so I won't jinx myself or so I won't look or feel dumb if it doesn't turn out how Rudy and I are hoping it would... I'm always reminding myself that things will turn out great, I know it will! We've been getting nothing but wonderful news and we really do have such an amazing caring and positive support system! We got this!


  1. Always love reading your updates, friend!!! Hope you recover quickly from surgery. xx

    Madison | Breakfast at Madison’s

    1. Awe thank you Madison, I'm so happy you enjoy these type of posts. Thank you again, I've recovered quite well from surgery:)


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