Glossier: Brow Flick Review

Wow, the last time I shared a review on my blog was two years ago! Where has the time gone? For today's post, I decided to do a little review on a new product release from Glossier, their newest brow product, the Brow Flick. I was very excited when I first saw sneak peeks about this product back in June (yikes, that was a while ago). The Brow Flick is a microfine brush tip detailing eyebrow pen that is available in three different shades; brown, blonde, and black. This pen allows you to fill your brows with featherlight strokes that look natural on the brow. I'm always looking for new ways to keep my brow game strong and I felt that this pen would be a great addition to my routine.
My current brow routine consisted of a pomade and brow gel, plain and simple. I appreciate the longevity of a pomade. My skin type is on the more oilier side and with having bangs that occasionally rub on my eyebrows I definitely needed something with a long-lasting power. Since I have very little eyebrow hair sometimes it's difficult to achieve the full fluffy looking brows let alone draw out those fine hair-like strokes towards the front of the eyebrows. It wouldn't even matter how thin of a makeup brush I'd use, sometimes it just wasn't happening. In the past I have heard of a few people talk about using an "eyebrow marker" and the brush always looks super intense and intimidating. Once I saw the Brow Flick I was very interested in testing it out and see how good of a product it truly was. I had been wanting to create more fluffy looking brows and with this guy having a super thin brush I was very hopeful it would help me achieve that.
I've been using Brow Flick since the end of June and I immediately fell in love with its fine brush tip. I was so impressed with how pigmented this pen is and how easy it's been to achieve a natural brow. I've used this product completely on its own and I've also used it paired with my pomade and filled in some gaps. I love the brow flick especially to create the hairs in the front of my eyebrows. It allows me to create the thinnest hair-like strokes. I can go on about how obsessed I am with this guy, I'm just so pleased that I can create a more natural full-looking brow especially since I lack eyebrow hair.
One thing you should know about the brow flick is that it's smudge-proof! This is perfect for those with oily skin since in the past I've had issues with my eyebrows fading through the day from the heat and my bangs rubbing against them. The first time I used the brow flick I didn't use a makeup remover wipe to remove my makeup before hopping into the shower like I normally would do. I thought I washed my makeup thoroughly but once I stepped out and looked in the mirror I realized that some of the product was still on my eyebrows! I always do a double cleanse whenever I wear makeup and the brow flick managed to hold on for dear life.
As I mentioned I became a huge fan after the first use. Shortly after I placed another order from Glossier and ordered a few more backups. It's truly that good! I'm sure the fluffy eyebrows isn't for everyone but I know everyone can find use from this especialy since it's so easy to use. The pen really allows you to control the strokes. You're able to achieve dark and lighter strokes and if you were a little heavy-handed on one of the lines all you have to do is dab your finger over top and it should help lighten up that harsh stroke.
What do you think of the new Glossier Brow Flick? If you haven't purchased and tried this guy out what are you even waiting for? Glossier carries so many amazing products. I'd love to know what is your number one go-to eyebrow product/tool?


  1. I was always a big fan of Boy Brow, but I haven't tried Brow Flick! Your brows look so NATURAL. I love it. Also, your skin is gorgeous.

    Madison | Breakfast at Madison’s

    1. Thank You so much Madison!!! I'm a huge fan of Boy Brow but this Brow Flick is a game changer. It works for anyone and everyone whether you have full eyebrows or if you're like me and have very little.



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