
Wanting: to change up my blog layout! I have had this same layout for nearly a year now, and even though it's become a favorite of mine I always feel the need to change things up a bit especially after a while. I love to constantly keep things looking fresh which will end up giving me so much inspiration. I've been looking online at a couple premade layouts (this makes things so much easier for me) and it's been so tough to choose which layout is my favorite since there are so many unique ones on the market. I'm also thinking about a color scheme that I want my blog to have, I don't like too much color going on. Plain and simple is the way I usually like to go and I enjoy things to be quiet minimal. I really want to take my time of this and think things through since I try to keep the same layout on my website for a minimum of a year before refreshing it up. I'm hoping to have a new look before the end of the month. Do you have any tips or suggestions for me?

Recovering: from a car accident! Just about a week and a half ago Rudy and I were in a car accident. An older man ran a red light and made a sharp left turn as Rudy and I were heading straight ahead. Before Rudy knew it the truck was right in front of us, he tried to break as quickly and as hard as he could, regrettably, it all happened way too quickly with not enough time that my car basically flew right into the back end of the truck. We're both fine, unfortunately, I was the one that was struck with the most impact since the hit was on the front passenger side of the car. I got pretty badly bruised up around my stomach and collarbone where the seat belt was at. When the cars hit I was flung forward and the belt was what pulled me back after my knees jammed right into the dashboard. I was pretty sore all over for a few days so I've been home taking care of myself. Resting and trying to recover. We've just been dealing with insurance stuff which is a process, getting my poor car fixed, and looking into a rental in the meantime.

Planning: a fun little photoshoot! I decided that every year for mine and Rudy's wedding anniversary we will go out and get anniversary photos taken. How cute would that be? For a second I was wishing I thought about doing this sooner and started it last year. However, we kind of already did since last year for our very first wedding anniversary we had our wedding photos taken. Do you guys remember that? Those photos turned out so dreamy. Till this day I'm still so obsessed with them and stare at them in complete awe. I loved everything about it, from our outfits and the location. This year I have a different vision of how I want these set of anniversary photos to look like. I'm so excited to get out there and get them done I'm thinking we'll do this sometime next month so they'll be ready for our anniversary. Can you believe it'll be two years that we've been married in exactly two months from today?! Like always I get a bit nervous only because I hope they turn out how I envision them in my head. At the end of the day, I'm sure Rudy and I will have lots of fun doing this together. Another fun way we get to celebrate our second wedding anniversary. Plus how neat will it be in the future getting to look back on every anniversary through those photos and eventually sharing them with our children?

Loving: ear piercings! Over three weeks ago I reached out to one of my friends that pierces professionally because I had been wanted to get the second hole on my lobes re-pierced. This was something I have wanted for so long and every time I would get them re-pierced it never worked out and I would end up having to remove them due to those little bubbles that would grow, and those were so painful! I came to the realization that I needed to get them professionally pierced by an actual piercer that uses a needle versus a piercing gun (which was what I always did and it never healed properly). As I said, it has now been over three weeks and my lobes are healing wonderfully and I couldn't be happier! Ever since I have been wanting to add a few more additions to my ear and exactly two weeks after my lobes were pierced my friend spontaneously gave me a new piercing and I got my conch done. I'm definitely not a piercing type of gal, I would rather get a tattoo done over a piercing any day, but I just love how dainty and stylish some piercings can be. My friend gave me some tips and tricks on how to heal my piercings since a few years ago I had the worst luck while trying to heal my tragus (three different times r.i.p) and so far so good. I'm definitely planning on adding a few more additions to my ear, but I intend to take my time with it. The piercing healing process can be so tedious.


  1. Ooooh I'm so excited to see what you do with your blog, I'm sure whatever you do will be great!
    Ahhh, Another photoshoot I also can't wait to see those! I'm so glad I was able to take your wedding photos, they're still my favorite!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you I'm finally getting around to redoing it but I have a feeling it might take some time since I've been really busy the last couple of days. I really wanted to have you take these photos for us but with you moving and all I was a bit shy to ask lol. I absolutely love the way you captured our wedding photos.


  2. Oh I'm so sorry that you were in a car accident lovely, but so glad to hear you're recovering and okay!

    Lucy | Forever September

  3. I'm here for you new blog layout! I'm still here trying to learn about mine, haha. I'm sorry to hear about your car accident, but thankful you guys walked away with a couple of bruises. I cannot wait to see your photoshoot!

    1. Thank you Lizzy! I'm clueless when it comes to layouts so I normally purchase one thats ready to go haha! I'm pretty bummed about my car as it's still not fixed but it's just a material object. I'm thankful it wasn't worse as you said. Ahhhh the photos I can't wait to share them I'm so in love with how they turned out. I'm so happy we were able to get them done in advance as Rudy has been working a lot and on weekends. I'm so excited for everyone to see them!



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