Peach Picking

With Summer quickly approaching I have been wanting to go peach picking before the season is over. Last year, for our first fruit picking experience we went too late in the season for peaches and since then I kept telling Rudy we'd have to go super early come this year. Over the month we've been so busy every single weekend and on Sunday we finally left it open to find a farm of peaches. We ended up visiting Mike's U-Pick Peaches over at Brentwood, a small but adorable farm. Rudy and I managed to get our hands on some peaches, but sadly most of them were all picked and sold the day before. So unfortunate, however, we still managed to have had tons of fun. If you've never gone fruit picking I highly suggest you go to your local farm and do so, you won't regret it. We (or should I say Rudy) was on a roll with the camera and snapped tons of pictures that I'm so excited to share with you all today. Go grab yourself a slice of peach pie and enjoy these photos!

Even though the trees were no longer filled with peaches, I was still in heaven. I felt so at home here and maybe the fact that I was somewhat surrounded by gorgeous peaches had something to do with it. This farm was also offering nectarines and cherries. We took home the few peaches we managed to still find hanging along with a few of nectarines that Rudy fell in love with. We arrived right upon opening. The farm only had one other family so we had nearly the entire lot to ourselves. We hung out there for an hour and once we were getting ready to head out was when a lot more people began to arrive. Also, that was when the heat really started to hit the area. We left just in time.
A couple of hours after we got home I made my very first pie, a peach pie! I was a bit nervous with how it was going to turn out, was the filling going to be too watery, was the dough going to come out too dry. The end result was perfect and the pie looked and smelled beautiful. It even tasted delicious, I can't wait to do it again.


  1. These pictures are all soooo cute! And your lip color was so perfect for peach picking! I really need to try fruit picking one day it looks and sounds like fun.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you! Yes you really do, I'm always telling people they have to give fruit picking a try. It's so much fun and there's so much you can do with the fruits afterwards.


  2. What gorgeous photos and what a lovely thing to do in the lead up to summer!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. Thank you so much Lucy! It's such a fun thing to do and I can't wait for this to become a tradition I eventually pass on to future children.



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