Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World

Over the Memorial Day weekend, Rudy and I made a trip to visit the Walt Disney Family Museum. We've both already been here countless times, we love it. The last time we visited was back in 2016 which means it's been nearly three years ago. I even shared an entire post on our last visit to the museum filled with tons of photos, make sure to check that out if you haven't already. I have been wanting to go back to the Walt Disney Family Museum ever since they announced their newest exhibition that is celebrating animation's most loved and recognizable character. Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World an original exhibition that shares the history of Mickey's impact on art and entertainment throughout the last nine decades. This exhibit features more than 400 objects, including some never before seen. I hope you are more than ready for today's post because I'm very excited to share another Disney related post. I welcome you to the Walt Disney Family Museum presentation of Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World.

The new exhibit, Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World opened their doors on May 16 and will keep them open all the way until January 6th of next year. I was extremely excited to visit this exhibition because who doesn't love the most iconic mouse? Rudy and I visited the museum on Memorial Day and surprisingly the museum was nice and calm, not overly filled with people. I purchased their combo tickets which included viewings of their standard Walt Disney Family Museum exhibit and the new Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World exhibition. Tickets for each stand-alone exhibit are also provided, however, if you're already here why not do both?
Rudy and I decided to start with the WDFM exhibit. The entire time we walked through the exhibit we were completely alone. It felt really nice to be able to take our time and enjoy all of the pieces without feeling rushed by any crowds. We did capture some photos during this visit but I'm only going to share a limited bunch with you guys. As I mentioned previously I already have an entire post dedicated to the WDFM in which consists of tons and tons of photos. Not much has changed since then so I will leave the link here if anyone would like to check that out.
I truly love how this photo turned out. The black and white images look amazing with the vibrant red background. It's such a beautiful contrast, and I kind of match the wall in my black jumpsuit and red lipstick. The black and white Mickey shows are some of my favorite because I remember watching them so much when I was a kid. I absolutely love seeing Walt's early work of Mickey it makes me so nostalgic. 
This is one of the most important pieces inside of WDFM. It is an original drawing made up by Walt Disney himself when he was first trying to create Mickey Mouse. If you notice, Minnie Mouse is there too on the bottom right corner.
Every single time I walked into this room I immediately think of Hollywood Land in Disney's California's Adventure, the building where they have the Animation Academy. This room reminds me so much of it. I always enjoy going in there to relax and cool down and love all the different movies they play around the room just like this one!
Now, this is where Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World exhibition begins. It is being held in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall that is located at the building behind WDFM. This building is a lot smaller than the original WDFM building which is perfect for temporary installments such as this one. The exhibition will showcase Mickey's transformation over the years starting from black and white, color, drawing Mickey, Mickey's animators, Mickey at the parks, Mickey fine arts, Mickey now, and the return of Mickey! The exhibit includes iconic work by famous artists like Andy Warhol, Gottfried Helnwein, and Wayne Thiebaud. More contemporary work by Tennessee Loveless, Eric Robison, and Sirron Norris are also featured.
This was probably one of my favorite pieces mixed with a bunch of Walt and Mickey images from the '50s. It was so beautiful, vintage, and colorful which makes for the perfect backdrop.
This next room was more of an activity room, you get to sit down and draw Mickey Mouse! They had videos playing along with photo illustration on how-to-draw Mickey.
In the following room, it consisted of a lot of the rare and never before seen pieces. It was very interesting to see how different the Mickey and Minnie toys look compared to the ones sold today.
I would love to know what was your favorite part of this post? What were some of your favorite pieces? Mine was most of the original black and white Mickey style and Mickey in early Technicolor since I grew up watching those cartoon. If you love Mickey Mouse as much as I do this is an exhibit you can't pass up!


  1. I love all of your pictures! I can't wait to check this out!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you so much. I can't wait for you to visit!



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