
Excited: for Summer! The weather in California lately has been weird, I can't even remember the last time it rained in May! I was looking forward to Springtime and the beautiful warm weather with a light breeze and it was just chilly. Now that we're in June it shows nothing but sun in the forecast up ahead and I'm so excited. I've already said it I don't like to get overly hot and feel uncomfortable but boy am I ready for that vitamin D. I have so many plans for the season like movie dates. There are so many movies coming to theaters this month. I've been wanting to go on a picnic with Rudy forever now, we only did that once and I loved it so much. I'm hoping to do that this Summer or maybe even do a picnic in our backyard. Over the weekend we set up a table and talked about all of the dinners we will be having out there soon. We've been wanting to go to SFmoma for months and with the clear skies, I can't wait to finally make a trip in the next coming weekends. Remember how much I enjoyed fruit picking? Well, Rudy and I have been talking about doing it again this Summer and I'm really hoping we get to do peach picking! That would be my dream come true haha. We even want to buy a pool and set it up in the backyard so we can have a nice afternoon taking a swim. Plus how fun would that be hanging-out out back with the dogs, BBQing, enjoying our dinner underneath the grape vines, while cooling down in the pool.

Feeling: so thankful! I wasn't sure if I was going to share this on here. A few weeks back I wrote up a huge detailed page in thinking that I would eventually publish it but then I chickened out. This isn't something I would normally share, honestly, I never share anything extremely personal anywhere on the internet, and this is the type of stuff I keep to myself buried deep inside. Last month was a bit of a rough one, not only for my family but specifically for me. (If you aren't aware, I have two fur-babies Juicy who is eleven and Bowie the baby of the house that is nine.) These two are everything to me I don't think anyone would know what I'm talking about unless they have a pet. At the beginning of May, we found out that Bowie had a large mass growing on his liver. It was the hardest thing ever in my life hearing this and being told that by the size of it it's possibly cancerous. Now imagine the state of shock I went to. It was a total blow to the stomach to be more specific. We immediately scheduled an appointment to meet with a surgeon followed by scheduling Bowie's surgery to remove the mass and get a biopsy done. I never imagined I would ever have to go through anything like this, and I wouldn't wish this upon anyone, human or animal. We were so fortunate to have had a great support team, and all of the staff at the Hospital for Bowie treated us and informed us with everything so well. Bowie had his surgery three weeks ago as of Tuesday and I'm so happy to say it was a success. The doctor was able to remove the mass entirely. It was starting to adhere to other parts of his abdomen. There was a smaller mass on the top part of his liver in which she was also able to remove, and she reported that the rest of his liver looked great. Bowie came home the following day of his surgery and was bouncing back to normal by day two. Later that week I got the results to his biopsy and thank God it came back benign! I was so overjoyed because I was seriously preparing and bracing myself for the worst. I feel so lucky and blessed because everything came together as perfectly as they could considering the circumstances. Bowie is now 10000% his happy-silly-playful-loving-crazy self and I couldn't be anymore happier. As for aftercare, the doctor wants to see him every three months to do an ultrasound as a precaution to make sure nothing is growing back.

Obsessed: with jumpsuits! Oh my goodness why didn't anyone ever tell me how comfortable and cute jumpsuits are?! A couple months ago I picked up my very first jumpsuit and I fell in love with that thing that I even went a few days later to pick up a few more. I used to think I didn't have the body type to rock a jumpsuit and I just feel so silly now to have deprived myself of them for all those years. Most of the favorites I purchased from have been from Old Navy, however, Target has some really cute ones too and I own one from there. I love the simplicity of one piece. It's such a breeze to just slip on and boy are they cute! I've been dressing them up by styling it with loafers and to style down the outfit, I just throw on one of my Vans shoes. They've also been perfect to wear on warm days since they let in that cooling breeze. I even shared an outfit of the day post of me wearing a polka dot jumpsuit in my Spring is Here post, and you'll be seeing me in another one in an upcoming Disney post! This might possibly be what I end up wearing all season long... Expect a lot more outfit posts featuring them.

Missing: New York City! I can't even believe how much I enjoyed New York. I didn't think I would miss that city life as much as I do. I loved being there and I'm being repetitive but the beauty of their historical buildings it was breathtaking. We definitely plan on going back, hopefully soon and I just can't wait! Rudy and I were so stuck on always vacationing in Los Angeles to visit Disneyland, and although I enjoyed every single trip to Disneyland I am now ready for something more. Rudy and I have already been talking about where we'll be going for our next trip and I'm so excited if we end up making this a reality. A possible two-year anniversary celebration trip? I currently have a mental list of places I want to visit and it would so cool if we're able to check those places off slowly. I would love to get to do some more traveling before Rudy and I have kids. If not it would still be really great to get to travel with a plus one someday in the future. I've just been having the urge to explore and visit new places. When did I become such a tourist?


  1. I love it when it gets a bit sunnier and you can go on picnics -they're the best! Peach picking sounds so much fun though -in the UK we really only have apple picking, but they're so high up its rather difficult!
    Hollie xx

    1. Oh no that makes me sad to hear. Here we have local farms specifically for fruit picking and the apple trees aren't the tallest so you're still able to pick some apples.


  2. Ahh, I'm sorry that you had to go through that with your dog. I'm glad everything is better now and he is back to being healthy! & I agree with you. I went to NY almost two years ago and I miss it myself. Its so nice! I'm excited to see your summer posts roll in.


    1. Thank you Lizz, it was a major reality check and I'm thankful everyday that we were able to get him the help he needed. I would love to go back to NY once a year that would be wonderful! I definitely want to squeeze in more trip to new places too.

      I'm so excited for summer but this heat the last few days has been a bit scary lol.


  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your lil furbaby but I'm also glad that the operation went well! Also jumpsuits are sooooo comfy aren't they?! The best!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. Thank you so much Lucy, we're so grateful it went smoothly. I'm always on the hunt for new jumpsuits now they're seriously so cute and comfy especially in the heat.



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