Our New York City Trip!

Rudy and I have been back from our honeymoon/vacation/spring break trip to New York for a few weeks now and I can't believe how quickly that trip rushed by. I had the absolute best time there, it was so much more than what I could have ever imagined it to be. New York was utterly breathtaking! Obviously, I took tons of pictures and that is what this post is for. Even though I thought I would have taken way more than what I ended up with, I suppose I was caught up in the moment and the beauty surrounding me, brace yourselves for the photo spam!

The itinerary for day one was visiting Ladurée, a luxury French bakery that was started up in France. I've always wanted to visit one of their bakery locations and while in NY we were pretty close to one. We woke up early our first morning there to head over and enjoy some macarons and pastries. I will have an entire post dedicated to Ladurée sometime in the next week. I made sure to take tons of pictures during our visit. Our next stop was Central Park!
I was ecstatic to visit Central Park, it's one of the most heard about places in NY and one of the places you tend to see a lot of in movies/tv. Rudy kept telling me how big it was but I wasn't anticipating how ginormous it really is! We spent a good hour or more here walking around, snapping pictures, and taking it all in. I was really excited to finally be able to see the Alice in Wonderland statue. This was definitely one of my dreams come true. It was absolutely stunning and huge! Oh my, goodness was it huge and I was in love. There weren't many people surrounding so we got pretty lucky with that and we were able to really enjoy the beauty of it. From the Alice statue, we continued walking around from one side to another until we made our way to a cute little bridge Rudy really wanted to see.
This was one of the perfect spots to take pictures at because of the stunning view of the city building in the back. That is one thing I told Rudy I would probably miss the most, the historic, breathtaking building throughout New York City.
We were constantly stopping places to take some photos and I'm so happy we did. I even wish I managed to have captured loads more of photos so that I could remember every single thing from this trip but I was definitely caught up in the moment most of the times.
Once we decided we were all done in Central Park, it was time to visit a museum. There was a couple museum on our list but we ended up only getting to visit the MoMA. This museum was beautiful and filled with such a variety of arts. It was six stories and we were here for a couple of hours. This was my first time being in a legit museum and it has left me wanting to explore many more. I will have an entirely separate post during our visit to MoMA coming in the future!
By the time we were finished in the museum, it was way past lunchtime so we stopped for some juice at Joe and the Juice. Then we decided to grab something to eat. Rudy and I both had a list of places we wanted to eat at and for our first day in the city, we decided to go to Macbar. This place was probably one of the yummiest places I have ever eaten! This is a must-go-to for any pasta/macaroni and cheese lover. Right away I ordered myself their Margarita Mac that consisted of fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, Parmigiano, and fresh basil. While Rudy was looking at the menu I spotted the Mayan Chipotle which I knew Rudy would be a fan of. The Mayan Chipotle contained chicken diablo, chihuahua cheese, and green onions. They were so delicious but if I had to choose between one of our pasta I would definitely say Rudy's was the best in taste winner! It was so different and we both loved the spicy kick to it. Definitely, a must try if you're ever in New York, writing this is making me so sad that we don't have one in California.
Before retiring for the day I wanted to stop by a Portuguese Bakery I had heard about called Joey Bats Cafe. Joey's bakery is very well known for his "patéis de Natas" which is a soft delicate Portuguese egg tart. These guys were so soft and warm. It was the perfect afternoon dessert after having such a delicious and filling dinner. His pastéis are made fresh throughout the day finished off with some cinnamon and powdered sugar. These pastries have even won several awards along with being featured in the New York Times. If you're Portuguese or not, definitely stop by and grab yourself a taste of Portugal.  
 Afterward, we headed back to our hotel room ordered some Insomnia cookies and watched tv.
The following morning, day two of our trip we ventured off to grab some breakfast at Egg Shop. I'm not going to go too into details about this place since I'm going to share an entire food series post on it. What I will say is that it out did any standards I may have had leading up to the visit. It's also such a cute little shop!
After breakfast, we went to visit Washington Square Park. I mean look at that view! Not to brag or anything but look at that great shot I captured above. This place was beautiful, as most of New York was to be completely honest. Down below is one of my favorite photos of myself and Rudy in front of the fountain. A couple of girls asked if I could take a photo of them in this same spot and I was more than happy and asked for a photo in return. Once we snapped some photos we hung out around the park and then walked down the street to buy some coffee, and back again to drink them on some of the benches.
We then headed off next to see the Flatiron Building! Photos of this building honestly don't do it justice. It's absolutely beautiful and that shape, so unique. The Flatiron Building is considered to be the oldest building in New York City along with being one of the most famous skyscrapers. How cool is that! There were tons of people in all corners of the streets stopping to take pictures of this landscape, and obviously, we were doing the same and managed to capture some good photos.
Back in March, I purchased tickets for me and Rudy to visit the Color Factory! This pop-up museum came to New York right after its stay in San Francisco. It was a museum I really wished I had the chance to go to. Once I started planning for this trip I remembered that they were currently residing in NY and it was the perfect opportunity for us to check it out. I will share our visit to the Color Factory in its own post sometime in the future filled with more pics, as for now, this teaser above is all you get.
The next destination after the Color Factory was Time Square! We took the metro here and stayed walking around for a good hour or more. To be completely honest Time Square was one of my least favorite spots in New York. There was too much going on even though from what I was told I was expecting it to be a lot worse. It just wasn't for me so I'll leave it at that. I have been told it's so much prettier at night time but we didn't get a chance to visit once the sunset.
When we were all done in Time Square we headed back to our hotel for a quick nap. This was day two of the constant walking so we were so beat! Then we decided to take a walk to Milk Bar for something sweet. On our way, we saw so many stunning buildings. I loved the buildings all throughout NY, I wish I could have brought them home with me! Milk Bar was a shop I've wanted to visit for a while now and was so happy to have one only a couple of blocks from our hotel. Again, I will be sharing an entire food series post on this shop!
After our sweet treats, we headed back to the hotel where Rudy ordered our very first New York pizza from a place called Little Italy Pizza. Unfortunately, I was so tired by this point that I completely forgot to snap a photo of our pizza. Let me just tell you it was amazing! One of the best pizza's I have ever had.
Our day started extra early on day three. As soon as we were done getting ready we immediately went out of the doors and headed straight to the Brooklyn Bridge. A couple of my friends had suggested if we were to go visit the bridge to go early as the bridge can get very packed with tourists, so thank you, Imelda and Mareloy! We arrived at the bridge just before eight in the morning and there weren't many people, besides a few tourists but mostly joggers.  
We were able to get tons of cute photos and as you can see, and with no people in the background! We did ask a lovely couple if they could snap a quick photo of me and Rudy so we could have this memory of us two captured. It was beautiful up here we stayed here for a while enjoying the view and taking it all in.
Once we were done on the bridge it was finally time for breakfast! Since we wanted to go straight to the bridge before it got busy we decided to hold off from breakfast until we were done there. I had been so excited to go to The Bagel Store for some bagels since day one. We decided not to go to it until this day because we would already be in the area since it's located in Brooklyn. I'm definitely going to be sharing an entire post dedicated to this store in the weeks to come. If you can see the little sneak peek photo of my bagel, I ordered their infamous Rainbow Bagel with the Unicorn cream cheese! You can only imagine the magic that was happening in my mouth.
Following The Bagel Store, we Ubered our way to DUMBO the north end of the Brooklyn Bridge Park. Down at these cobblestone streets, you get an incredible view of the Brooklyn Bridge. This is such a great area to get the best photos with this stunning backdrop. We hung out here for a while and literally walked down the street to Feed Coffee for a caffeine pick me up.
The last stop of our trip was to visit the Statue of Liberty herself. We purchased tickets for this beforehand which was one of the best things we did since the entry line for non-ticket buyers was insanely long and I mean longer than the lines at Disneyland long! It was such an amazing feeling getting to see this historical statue I was in complete awe. Such an amazing experience that I myself would even love to do again. Our ticket only allowed us to stay on the ground because all of the other ticket options were already sold out. Depending on the ticket you are able to go all the way up to her crown, something I probably wouldn't do though because of anxiety problems, but that sounds really cool. I would definitely love to at least get a bit closer next time for fun. I'm happy that we still managed to capture some pretty amazing photos if you ask me.
I absolutely hope you enjoyed this post. If you remained with me until the very end I love you! It was such a fantastic trip, I have some wonderful memories that I get to cherish forever. Rudy and I have already talked about when we'll be returning and I can't wait. 

Have you ever been to New York City? What do you love most about it?


  1. You were glowing in NY! This was such a great post.
    I can't wait to read more about your NY trip.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Awe, thank you so much Imelda. I really had a wonderful time and I can't wait to go back again. There is so much more posts to come I can't wait to share!



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