Balmy St Alley Art

Welcome back to my blog! If you read my previous post, In This City, then you already knew this post was coming. Last month during a visit to the city Rudy and I stopped to look at one of many alley arts, the Balmy St Alley Art. A friend of mine actually suggested I stop by here and check it out since we were fairly close by along with one other which we hope to visit sometime soon. This was the first time I ever visited something like this and I was so amazed by the wonderful and interesting art around me. The murals were so touching, we spent a good hour here enjoying and taking it all in. Today I'm sharing photos that we took while our visit.
What were some of your favorite pieces? I couldn't even choose one to be quite honest. I really enjoyed how colorful this alley was and all of the art felt so empowering. Thank you so much for joining me on this little adventure and I look forward to seeing you all next time!


  1. Can I just say I am loving all of these art related blog post! As an art history fan, I enjoy these type of posts.

    1. Thank you! I have really been enjoying places like this and would love to discover some more!



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