Mini Lush Holiday Haul

A couple of weeks ago Lush Cosmetics held their annual Holiday BOGO sale. I now have been attending this sale for the last three years and it's the perfect time to stock up on some of your holiday favorites. Since it has been forever that I've shared a haul related post let alone talked about Lush products, I figured this was the perfect time to do so and of course, share what I picked up during the sale. Plus I finally got my order in the mail last week. If you're also interested, you should check out the post from what I picked up during the sale a couple years ago in my very first Lush haul post. Let's begin!

This year, I didn't go all out like I did in previous years. I decided to pick up my essentials with a couple of new things for me to try out. I'm still stocked when it comes to certain products from Lush such as shower gels but I had to get my hands on some small sized holiday scents. This year (2018) I also decided to try and order as many of the things I wanted online to save myself a trip to the mall. As soon as 7 am hit I refreshed the website and the shopping began. Unfortunately, a few things I wanted were already sold out but only in the largest size that I wanted but I still managed to purchase smaller sizes.
Last year I picked up two of the large tubs of the Once Upon A Time body lotion and I recently ran out of my last tub. This lotion has become my favorite from Lush next to another one I will talk more about later in this post. Once Upon A Time leaves my skin nice and hydrated and super soft. My favorite thing about it is that it smells of juicy green apples! This was a must for my purchase and I was able to snag two of the smaller sized tubs since they had already sold out of the large. I'll just have to make sure I make these two last until next holiday season. I tend to alternate with other body lotions so I can make it work.
Every year I make sure to pick up the Snow Fairy body conditioner since it's one of my favorites. However I still have one tub left from last year and while I was doing my online shopping I noticed they had the Ro's Argan body conditioner - gift size for sale. I immediately added two of these into my basket since this is one of my all-time favorite scents from Lush. I'm a huge fan of anything rose scented! I'm already addicted to the shower gel and the Rose Bombshell bath bomb they release every year for Valentine's Day. Lush doesn't normally carry a smaller size of this body conditioner, only a large one for over thirty dollars and I never want to give that much money away when I tend to get it in their Valentine's Day gift sets. Plus I also stock up on their body conditioners during this sale. Totally worth it! So I had to stock up on this scent since my last tub of it is currently being used it my shower.
I have heard so many people and friends rave about the Lord Of Misrule shower gel but never tried it out for myself. I had smelt it in the past and thought it smelled very nice and earthy. This is one of their products that sells out immediately and I know people who stock up on it. When I saw that they had a small size in stock I decided to add it to my basket so that Rudy and I can try it out once we run out of our current shower gel(s) that are in the bathroom. We like to have options while we wash haha. I also have a feeling this will be one shower gel Rudy will become a big fan of.
About a month ago or so when I was inside of Lush I was browsing through their body conditioners and the Buck's Fizz body conditioner caught my eye. The vibrant orange color screamed citrus and I love me some citrusy scents. The lady that was working was so kind and offered me a sample to take home and I absolutely loved it, like I do with everything of theirs. I held off on buying it because I wanted to pick it up during this sale since it's something I use a lot of. These body conditioners are lifesavers for anyone who has sensitive skin especially after shaving like me and for the cold winter season.

Lastly, I picked up two of their Christmas gifts. I wasn't planning on picking up any of their sets but once I saw this Sleepy gift set right away I added two because that was all I really needed to complete my order. This gift set includes the newly formulated shower gel formally known as Twilight now called Sleepy shower gel and the Sleepy body lotion. I'm certain I have previously raved about how much I love anything lavender, especially for night time use to help unwind and relax before bedtime. The sleepy body lotion has been a go-to of mine for the last few years and I adore it. Can't live without it. Rudy and I are especially fans of the "Twilight" Sleepy shower gel. Originally I wanted to pick up a medium sized bottle of the shower gel but it was sold out. Then when I saw this set that included the body lotion it was a no-brainer since these are two items that both Rudy and myself get tons of use out of.
Thank you for joining me on today's haul post. Did any of you participate in Lush's Holiday sale? What did you pick up and what are some of your favorites?


  1. I can't believe I've never picked up lord of misrule, every time I smell it, I fall in love haha!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. I said the same thing to myself. Since I saw it was still in stock I felt like it was meant to be haha.


  2. You picked up so many of my favorite goodies from Lush. I'm so bummed I didn't place an order during their sale. I kept contemplating if I should place an order online or go to the store and next thing you know, I totally forgot.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Awe no! I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the mall together for the sale but I remember you told me you were going to be working that day. I'm excited for their new releases and Valentine's Day stuff.



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