Fun In The Sun

This weekend was a very calm and relaxing one for Rudy and myself. I love weekends like these since they're pretty much stress-free. We had our normal errands to run Saturday morning but that was all and besides that we were commitment free. I have been wanting to go swimming forever! It's been a couple of years. Ever since last summer, if you guys have been with me for a long time then you'll remember me mentioning on my summer bucket list one of the things I wanted to do was go swimming in a pool. We never got a chance to cross that off my list. Rudy and I have a pool at our place and well the days have only been getting warmer and warmer. We were finally able to take advantage of that this past weekend, and boy did we have a blast. We headed down to the pool and spent most of the days swimming pretending to be mermaids, (at least I did). We even had the enire pool to ourselves! It was really nostalgic for me for sure, bringing back such great memories from when I was a kid. I would spend every minute that I could in a pool with my family. I was able to capture a few pictures and I, of course, had Rudy, my Instagram Husband, snap a few of me. He was too busy swimming around to even let me get any of him. Since I haven't shared a weekend dedicated post in a while I felt it was perfect to share some photos even if it's only a few. So, for now, I hope you enjoy these photos.
To end our days we enjoyed some ice cream from the Museum Of Ice Cream! I hope you enjoy my little Boomerang video, this was the best I could do in order to share it here.


  1. Literally living your best life in the pool!
    These pictures are everything!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you! I'm just really trying to soak up enjoy the warm sunny weather for once and definitely have to take advantage of finally having a pool. This summer won't be go by feeling like a waste.


  2. Pool and Ice Cream -- the perfect summer combo!! Looks like you had the best and relaxing time <3

    xo, Allie

    1. I couldn't agree more with that. It was a great weekend. Thank you so much for reading Allie!


  3. Looks like summer bliss to me! I adore your red and pink striped bathing suit. :)

    Madison | Breakfast at Madison’s

    1. Thanks Madison! It was a weekend very well spent ;)


  4. Ooh these shots just make me want to go on holiday even more! How gorgeous do you look in these shots? I adore that Bowie bathing suit <3

    // xx


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