
Enjoying: the warmer weather! The last few weeks we've been having some really nice weather. The sun has been shining bright and it hasn't been too hot either. Absolutely perfect. We have had some days where it was a little too hot for me but our place is nice and cool inside (sometimes too cool) so it's been great. I'm not a huge fan of feeling too hot, I love my AC. I also love that I've been able to take Juicy and Bowie out on their walks every day, and they've really been enjoying it! I don't know what else I can say besides it has been a nice change being able to enjoy this spring weather, especially in our new place. This weather has also made exploring a lot nicer. We've even visited a botanical park, museum, and a local fair.

Doing: a lot of decorating around the apartment! I'm getting around to decorating small areas around the place at a time. I have so many ideas on how I want to decorate and style this place. I've been doing a lot of shelf decorating and using pieces I already own to style. I feel that when it comes to interior everyone goes through a trial and error phase and I've done that a bunch. Interiors doesn't come naturally to me however I try to keep in mind the look and style I'm aiming for. Adding a candle and even a bouquet of flowers are some of my favorite ways to style a shelf, counter, and dresser. If you follow me on Instagram I recently created a hashtag called #ohhjulianahome. You follow it so that so you can see future home photos I share all under that hashtag.

Rewatching: 13 Reasons Why! This week season two is premiering and Rudy and I are so excited. We've been waiting forever it feels for this season two to come out. I'm not sure if I ever spoke about my thoughts on season one here but I really liked it. Having anxiety and depression it was really hard for me to watch especially leading up to the last few episodes. I cried my eyes out during the scene that Hannah took her life. It kind of hit home, it was so intense and I didn't feel like myself for a few days after seeing that. I know there are so many criticisms regarding this show and exactly what kind of message they are trying to show. My opinion is it is an eye-opener for many people and it definitely is a rough topic to touch on, but one that needs and should be. Alright, that's all I'm going to say on this, and keep in mind these are my opinions, you're allowed to have your own.

Planning: another trip back home, soon! It seems like Rudy and I have been making a trip back home every two months haha. During our last trip back to California, we were already talking about when we would be going back. Right now we don't have a set date or anything but have mentioned possibly sometime next month. We have a few things we need to get in order and done before deciding when we're going back and I'm so excited. We have some plans for what we want to do next time we're back and I really hope it all goes well and as planned. We are really lucky that we've been able to go back home as many times as we have because of Rudy's job. I also hope that this trip I'll be able to see Imelda since we missed her last time♥ I'm in serious need of our hangout dates!

Making: a lot of photo books! Last year I decided to make a photo album of 2017 memories. My plans were to try and make one for every year that Rudy and I have been together (that's going to be six books worth!). I knew this was going to be a challenge just as it has been. I've been having to go through so many photos and it's been hard to find a lot of them since I've gone through a few phones and lost a lot of photos. Finally last week I started working on them again and created a book from mine and Rudy's engagement party. I've been using the FreePrints Photobook App and I've ordered from them many times in the past. This is where I order all my photos from. They are cheap, the quality is great, and they always have great deals going on. I'm still working on albums from the past years along with one from 2018. Slowly but surely I hope to get them done one book at a time. Make sure you check out FreePrints Photobook App, everyone I've told about them have been so happy with the results.

Looking forward to: furnishing the apartment! I know this isn't going to happen overnight and I'm really trying to to do this slowly especially when it comes to purchasing larger pieces such as furniture. I don't want to rush and then end up regretting or not liking something after spending a lot of money. I've done that before and it becomes a waste. I'm trying to take it one room at a time also so I won't get stressed out. At this moment I think the kitchen and bathroom are basically complete. I would love to add a thing or two to the kitchen but mostly accessories. I'm really excited to tackle on the living room next, hopefully! I'm also looking forward to hanging pictures and some art on the walls. I've been holding off on hanging anything until each area is completed. I would love to hang wedding pictures too if and when we get those done. It would really help tie in this home together.


  1. That top on you looks so cute! I'm really excited to see how you decorate your place, I hope I get to see it in person one day too.

    P.S: I'm in need of that hangout too!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you! It was my first time wearing it since purchasing it back in February on my last trip back home. Yes you'll have to come as soon as you can. Maybe summer or even fall!


  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! Photo books are such a good idea to personalize your life, and keep it in memory.

    1. I agree. I've lost a lot of photos in the past from switching phones so to have them saved in a photo book will be great. It'll also be nice to have in the living room as coffee table books for guests to look through.


  3. I'm excited to how your apartment is going to turn out and photo books is such a good idea.

    1. Me too! I can't wait to get things furnished and share an apartment tour series! ;)



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