Champagne, Macarons, And Museums

Back in March Rudy and I spent the weekend in Seattle visiting new places. This is one of the reasons why I love living in Washington because everything is brand new to us. On Saturday, we started the day with checking out a macaron spot I found online called Lady Yum. They have a large selection of different flavored macarons such as the unicorn, lavender honey, red velvet, and almond peach prosecco (that one was my favorite). Alongside your French cookies, they offer champagne. Rudy and I ordered a box to-go and had two to enjoy while sipping on some delicious champagne, it was a must.

Once we were all done with our champagne, macaron and of course taking countless pictures we headed to the Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum. I've had only seen bits of pieces of the museum while hanging around the space needle, and also a bunch of photos from friends who visited the museum. The museum was absolutely beautiful I'm really glad we decided last minute to visit on an early Saturday afternoon. A lot of the pieces was giving me Little Mermaid vibes, is that weird? Here are photos I took while we were there.
On Sunday Rudy really wanted to stop and visit Jimi Hendrix's grave so I thought I'd include these two photos. It was nice getting to visit a celebrities grave since it's something I've never done.
Hope you enjoyed these photos of some of my late adventures. I hope to visit more places and share with you all.


  1. Oh my goodness, yes. I am totally getting The Little Mermaid vibes! Also, those treats look delicious! xx

    Madison | Breakfast at Madison’s

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who got those vibes ;) Macarons are delcious, I have no self control when it comes to eating them haha.


  2. Everything looks so good. I want to eat the macaroons!

  3. This place looks totally adorable! Since you're visiting new places in Washington, you need to visit the Fremont troll and/or Gas works park, the park is beautiful in its own way, especially on a sunny day. Oh and MoPop, I think Rudy might like it a lot!

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Rudy has been wanting to visit the Fremont Troll, I don't know why we never went to check it out. I told Rudy about Mopop the week before our move we just haven't made the time to explore recently. Hopefully sometime soon because it looks really cool.

  4. Woah! These pictures are everything. I heard nothing but good things about that museums and yet to go to Seattle.

    1. Me too! A few friends of mine had visited it before me and I thought it look very nice. I think it all looks so much nicer in person to be honest and I'm glad we got to visit because I was a bit hesistant at first for some reason haha. You'll have to check it out if you ever visit WA.


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