I'm Back!

Hi guys! As you may have already noticed I have been m.i.a from nearly every social media site, (apart from the occasional IG story post). There were some things going on in my life that I was dealing with, and without getting too personal let's just say I hadn't been feeling the happiest. I had been dealing with anxiety and depression that I lost my passion for blogging, posting pictures, and sharing just about anything because of where my state of mind was. I felt there was no point in sharing a "happy" post if I wasn't happy, does that make sense? This break was very necessary for me, but changes have been made and I no longer feel like I'm constantly suffocating.

Now I am so thrilled to say that I'm finally back and plan on hopefully getting back to my usual routine of getting something published weekly. As my first post back let me fill you all in real quick on some of the stuff that I have been up to these last few months.

Rudy and I have been married for a little over half a year! Wow, that went by so fast before we know it we'll be celebrating one year.

We've been exploring so much of Seattle and it's been amazing.

We visited Jimi Hendrix's grave, upon Rudy's request which was pretty cool. I have never visited a celebrities grave.

We've also discovered so many yummy foods and drink places. There's a macaron place called Lady Yum and they sell some unique flavored macarons along side with champagne!

Got to visit the Chihuly Garden and Glass museum. It was beautiful.

We got an apartment! It's been so great having a place of our own. I've been having so much fun decorating, I can't wait to share photos of our home once it's a bit more furnished. Would any of you be interested?

Visited the Funko headquarters and it was such a blast. I took so many photos and I'm planning on sharing a post dedicated to it.

We have gone to California twice this year. I can't believe how much we miss our home. Every time we go back we really try to soak everything in and spend as much time with our loved ones as we can. There's never enough time for that, we're already planning our next trip back.

I got a haircut! Ok, this probably isn't anything major because it was only a small cut. (One-inch trim.) However, I'm so excited and in love with my hair. I had been in dire need of a trim since my last cut was a few years ago... I love how healthy my ends look and feel now.

Thank you to all my readers/friends who reached out during my absence to check in on me and see how I was doing. I really appreciated it and I love that there are people out there who really cared if I was ok. Now I'm going to end this post with asking you guys to let me know what you'd like to see next on my blog. I have so many ideas, I can't wait to get back to my routine.


  1. Yay, you're back! I'm so excited for you and your hubby. I'd love to see your home decor and maybe posts about Seattle. I've never been but Ramon loved the place. We're hoping to take a trip once Em gets a little older.

    1. Thank so much Mayra, you've always been such a great supportive friend. I definitely plan on sharing home decor posts in the future along with more Seattle posts. You have to visit once your little one grows.


  2. I'm happy you're back! I'm excited what you have in store for us. I hope all is still well.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so excited to start posting again, I have a long list of ideas! ;)


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