A Look Back At 2017!

Twenty-Seventeen, you've been a crazy roller coaster of a year, to say the least. This time last year I remember feeling so incredibly optimistic for 2017 and I had no idea as to why. This year I had so many obstacles hitting me from left and right, and even at my lowest I remained hopeful. I knew something great was waiting for me and it was. So many things managed to happen this year that I was beginning to think was never going to happen. Since tomorrow is the first day of the new year, today I wanted to share with you some of the highlights of my year.

December Favorites

A White Christmas

As you may know, this was mine and Rudy's first Christmas in Washington and we were so lucky to be able to experience a White Christmas. On Christmas Eve, it began snowing and it didn't stop until Christmas Day around noon. We had so much fun playing it the snow, throwing snowballs at each other, built a Snow Man, and even Juicy and Bowie were out in the snow with us for a little bit. It was all so beautiful and it made the Holiday so much more meaningful. I wanted to share some of the many photos Rudy and I took.


Listening: to a ton of Christmas music! When I used to work in retail I always looked forward to the day after Thanksgiving when they begin playing all the Holiday classics. I love Christmas music and can listen to it all the time without ever getting tired of it. During this season I finally get to bring out some of my favorite holiday records such as one of the classics 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' and of course the She & Him holiday vinyl. I recently picked up a couple new records which I already shared in part two of my record collection so don't forget to check that out. I also really enjoy the Glee cast holiday music. I used to always play their station on Pandora until I discovered Spotify. They have some really great recreation to some of my favorite Holiday songs.

My Record Collection #2

I'm very excited to share with you all today part two of my record collection. I love records, collecting and listening to them is one of my favorite things to do. Since my introduction post to my record collection series back in May, I have accumulated a good enough amount to continuing onto part two, finally. Really quick I wanted to mention that I'm still using the same Crosley record player and my records sound great on it. Now without wasting any time, let's begin!

November Favorites

Here are the things I've been loving this month.

Glossier Top 5 Picks

If you've been reading my blog for a while now you will have noticed my constant talk about Glossier, for good reason of course. The brand so has many amazing products and I've tried quite a few myself. Today I have for you my top five picks of Glossier items that I think everyone must try!

Christmas Wishlist

I can't believe that I am here today sharing with you all my 2017 Christmas wishlist. The last few months have passed so quickly I can't grasp it. Nonetheless, I'm excited to share the things I'm asking Santa for this year. Let's begin!

Updated | Hair Care

Today I wanted to share my updated hair care. It's been well over a year since I shared my previous hair care routine and since then, nearly every single product in that post has changed. I enjoy changing up my products from time to time and changing the products also had a lot to do with me transitioning to cruelty-free items. As my products began to run out I began searching for a cruelty-free item to replace the old ones. Apart from the new products, not much else has changed. I wash my hair one to two times a week, and I only apply heat to my hair 2-3 times a week at most. So without further ado, here is my updated hair care using all cruelty-free products.

October Favorites

Happy Halloween! Here are the magical items that have cast a spell on me this past month.

A Day At The Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we made our way to a pumpkin patch. I had been dying to visit a pumpkin patch since the first day of Autumn and I am now thrilled that I can check this off my fall bucket list. It was a lot of fun. It had been raining all week and then that morning the sky was nice, clear, and the sun was out shining. We got to do a lot of neat things; saw so many cute pumpkins, went on a hay maze, got to see animals, got tons of great pics and even had a delicious hot dog and strawberry lemonade. The weather in Washington is so unpredictable. The weather started so nice and then before we knew it the sky was dark and began to rain, hard! Nonetheless, it was a great morning and here are pictures Rudy and I took from the day.


Anticipating: the holidays! You guys, I can not believe October is coming to an end! How did that happen? It felt like September barely started a week ago. I was excited about getting married, the first day of fall and mine and Rudy's birthday... Now it's long gone. I love the holidays and I'm so excited that they're so close but this also makes me a little nervous. With how quickly time is passing I feel like it'll be Christmas before I even get to enjoy all the Halloween festivities. I'm really hoping I get to check every item off my fall bucket list before planning out a Christmas one. I want to enjoy this fall weather before winter and snow hit us. Watch all the Halloween films and eat as much pumpkin spice flavored treats. We recently went to our very first pumpkin patch in Washington and I can't wait to share photos with you all real soon! I'm also excited for all the holidays since it will be mine and Rudy's first Halloween as a married couple, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc. How exciting!

#Insta Life

I know I haven't been posting as much as I once used to so here are some photos I've recently shared over on Instagram!

In This Moment

I feel like it has been a while since I sat down at my desk and just shared what's going on in my life. The last couple of months I've felt like I've been so busy. Ever since Rudy was told when his start date for his new job would be life literally has felt like it has been stuck on fast play. Sometimes I find myself having to remove myself from life to just collect myself and breathe. It's been crazy but in a good way. Today I wanted to share random things that have been going on in my life this moment. You guys can see what's been going on, some of my thoughts and I can look back one day to see and remember how my life was at this very moment in time.

September Favorites

These are the things I've been swooning over the month of September.

Fall Bucket List

Happy first day of Autumn! This is by far my favorite season. You will catch me saying this every single year as the season approaches! Since I created a summer inspired bucket list I really wanted to make sure I made one for the fall. There are so many things that I look forward to doing during this amazing season especially this year living in a new state with my husband! (That still feels so weird to say haha.) Today I'm going to share with you what's on my fall bucket list.


Where do I even start? After being engaged for a little over two years Rudy and I finally did it. We got married! Ever since getting engaged back in May of 2015, marriage has been a major hot topic for everyone around us. Friends and family members were all so excited for us and curious to know when the big day would be. Of course, Rudy and I had talked about it a lot but we were trying to be realistic. Now with that said, we eloped.

Fall Wishlist

It's that time again! Can you believe fall is only a couple weeks away? I'm beyond excited for this because I love the month of September, and there are so many exciting things happening this month. I'm so excited for fall especially since we're now living in Washington and I can't wait to experience the season here. I gathered up some items that I've been wanting and that will be perfect for fall time in the PNW since the weather gets a lot colder up here. I suppose this can kind of also double as a birthday wish list since it is my birth month. Here we go!

Glossier: Wowder Review

Today I finally have for you guys a review on the new Wowder powder by Glossier. I have been completely head over heels for Glossier lately and once I found out that they were releasing a loose powder early August I nearly lost my sh*t. I was a bit on the fence whether I needed this or not, but like most girls can relate, I managed to make an excuse that I needed it, and asap! I was intending to share this post before August ended but as I already mentioned time slipped right through my hands with my move. I just had to talk about this powder that I shared some of my thoughts in my August favorites. Nonetheless, I decided I still wanted to go ahead and share a dedicated post to this powder because it deserves it. Also, I have been using it for about a month now and I know exactly how I feel about it and what methods work best for me. Now without further ado, let's move on in to my review.

August Favorites

Here are the items I have been heart eyes for this past month.

Life Update: We MOVED!

This has definitely been a long time coming post but it's finally here and ready to make public. It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted on my blog. Today I wanted to share a small-big life update with you all. I feel that I have been somewhat hinting here and there about something happening in the near future for Rudy and myself. We both have been working and planning for this for what felt like forever. Months and months later things started moving along and finally began falling into place, really quick! I feel that everything happened exactly how and when it was supposed to. So here it is, a week ago Rudy and I packed up all of our belongings, loaded up the U-Haul, grabbed Juicy and Bowie, and moved out to Washington!

Glossier Haul

In July your girl finally bit the bullet and ordered her first Glossier package(s)! I already shared one of the items I purchased on my July favorites and there I mentioned how I had been wanting to try the brand for some time. I'm constantly seeing people posting photos or just talking about the brand on a daily basis, I'm not even mad about it. That just made me want to give in a lot more, I mean just look at their packaging. It's so aesthetically pleasing, and the names of their products really pull you in. Since I had been using up a lot of my current skin care product and was going to be in the market for a few things I figured it was the best time to pick up some Glossier products that I had been wanting to try. It's also been such a long time since I've done a haul post and thought it was the perfect time to get one up. This post is a little overdue because of my recent trip to Seattle, but better late than never. I'm excited to share with you what I got. I'm going, to begin with, the first package I ordered and received.

What's In My Carry-On Bag?

As you are reading this, Rudy and I are either on an airplane or are already in Washington! I thought it was only fitting to share with you today a what's in my carry-on bag since I've never shared one like this before. I am using my Fjällräven Kånken Mini backpack in peach pink, duh haha. This bag is fairly new to me and I'm happy to let you know it's cruelty-free! When I got this one of my intentions were to use it as a carry on for this trip and future trips. I've also been using it as my purse. Since it's not a huge bag it's perfect for day to day wear which is the main reason I purchased the mini size. However, don't let the name mini fool you, you can still pack a good amount of things inside of it as you will see. Let me know if you'd like to see an entire review on this bag since I also own it in a different shade. I try to mainly carry essentials like things I'd normally have in my purse along with a few extras like entertainment.

July Favorites

My stand out products for the month of July.

How I Keep My Tattoos Bright

I'm constantly getting questions regarding my tattoos from who does my work, whether it hurt, and what they mean. The most common thing people tell me is how bright and vibrant my tattoos look. I take such pride in trying to maintain the appearance of my tattoos and today I wanted to share with you some tips and tricks. Some of these steps may seem pretty obvious or maybe even something you'd never think of. They are very easy and I swear by them. I don't do this routine on a daily basis, I do this one to two times a week especially in warmer months. Let's start!

Blushing Denim

I love denim colored clothing, and that probably has to do with the fact that I hate wearing jeans pants. Denim dresses and tops are my favorites, and I love pairing it with a bright pop of color. My favorite being red! Since I just received these embroidered blush mules I figured blush would go perfectly with the dress. I have been really into loafers and mules lately that I may have to soon share with you all a collective haul! As for now enjoy the few photos of my outfit from Saturday. I tried to get more but it was flipping hot outside!

My Favorite Apps For iPhone

Like most people, I'm on my phone a lot. Whenever I'm out, hanging out with friends, or spending time with Rudy I try not to be on my phone as much. For the most part, I feel that I'm pretty good and putting my phone away so that I can enjoy my time with people. For the times that my p…

Summer Bucket List

I've never made a bucket list for myself let alone a Summer bucket list. One morning as I was browsing through old blog posts I realized that there are a few things I'd love to do this Summer. I always try to think of things Rudy and I can do every season so why not write them down and try…

A Day At The Fair

I can't remember when was the last time I visited a fair. As a kid my family would go to a local fair our church held every single year and I would always look forward to those days. On Sunday Rudy and I went to visit the Alameda County Fair. The fair was really nice and neither one of us had …
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