
Where do I even start? After being engaged for a little over two years Rudy and I finally did it. We got married! Ever since getting engaged back in May of 2015, marriage has been a major hot topic for everyone around us. Friends and family members were all so excited for us and curious to know when the big day would be. Of course, Rudy and I had talked about it a lot but we were trying to be realistic. Now with that said, we eloped.

Rudy and I knew we'd be moving to Washington since early 2017. With us trying to save money for the move there was no extra money for wedding planning. Once we'd move, we would be leaving all of our family so it would have been pretty pointless to try to plan and have a wedding up here. That is why eloping worked for us. However, even though we eloped and are now married we still hope to have a small little ceremony one day so celebrate with some of our closest friends and family.

I can't even grasp at how much things have changed for both of us recently. If you told me that in 2017 I would move to a different state that is 13 hours away from the only home I ever knew and would finally get married... I would never in my craziest dreams believed it. Life is so crazy but I'm so excited to see where it'll take me next.

I don't want to share too much in this post, just want to keep it fairly short and simple. However, if you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comments below. I can even possibly dedicate an entire post to some of your questions along with more on us eloping if that is something my readers would be interested in.


  1. Congrats, I'm so happy for you two! ❤ Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness!

  2. Congrats! So happy for you! Seriously applaud you for doing what works best for you <3

    1. Thank you! It was hard at first because everyone tries to get into your head. Luckily kept thinking of myself and Rudy a lot more.

  3. Congratulations to you both! Hope you had a great day celebrating together, I had dreams of eloping and it became evr more tempting as the planning got more and more intense!
    Helpless Whilst Drying

    1. Thank you so much! I can't even imagine planning a wedding especially where we were in life. I plan and hope to have a small gathering once we're well settled. There is always time to celebrate.


  4. Congrats girl!! I hope you guys enjoy spending the rest of your lives together.

  5. So happy for you, Juliana! I know you guys have been engaged for so long and wanted to take that big leap! I wish you two a long and happy marriage. I already know it will be one because you two love and respect each other so much. As well as have all the fun a couple should have!! Congrats again <3

    Kaye | Oh Kaye Love

    1. Thank you so much for those kind words Kaye.


  6. Congratulations Juliana. I wish you guys nothing but the best.


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