Glossier Haul

In July your girl finally bit the bullet and ordered her first Glossier package(s)! I already shared one of the items I purchased on my July favorites and there I mentioned how I had been wanting to try the brand for some time. I'm constantly seeing people posting photos or just talking about the brand on a daily basis, I'm not even mad about it. That just made me want to give in a lot more, I mean just look at their packaging. It's so aesthetically pleasing, and the names of their products really pull you in. Since I had been using up a lot of my current skin care product and was going to be in the market for a few things I figured it was the best time to pick up some Glossier products that I had been wanting to try. It's also been such a long time since I've done a haul post and thought it was the perfect time to get one up. This post is a little overdue because of my recent trip to Seattle, but better late than never. I'm excited to share with you what I got. I'm going, to begin with, the first package I ordered and received.

As an introduction to the brand, I felt that the Phase 1 Set is perfect. Also, a friend of mine who represents the brand suggested it to me. This set is great if it's your first time trying anything from the brand. It includes a total of "three key essentials to your daily skincare routine". These items that will leave your skin feeling fresh, hydrated and looking healthy. Ordering their sets also saves you some money!

The first item this set includes and the item I've really been looking forward to trying out is the Milky Jelly Cleanser. You can use this cleanser as a daily face wash or wash off your makeup. My intentions for this product is to use it to remove my makeup. In the past, I have raved about how much I love my Pixi double cleanse cleanser. It's the only cleanser I have ever used that removes my makeup like a breeze. So quick and easy. Someone told me this milky cleanser is pretty much the Pixi double cleanse combined into one. I will have to be the judge of that. This cleanser is supposed to be a tough cleanser in ridding impurities while still being safe to use around the eyes. I can't wait to begin using this.

Next in this set is the Priming Moisturizer. Initially, when I first heard of this product I wasn't interested in it. I automatically assumed it was one of those hydrating primers that are ideal for people with dry skin, boy was I wrong. What they mean by priming is that this moisturizer pretty much preps the skin for makeup. When I received this package it came with a small sample pack of this moisturizer and I used it immediately! I loved how lightweight it felt and my makeup applied nicely over top. It even laid very well over-top of it. This moisturizer will leave your skin looking plump with a dewy finish. It also contains anti-redness that soothes and evens your skin tone. I'm so excited to begin using this once I'm all out of my current moisturizer, which will be soon.
Lastly, the final product in the phase 1 set is their infamous Balm Dotcom. This was the product I was most excited to use especially since I was already on the market for a new lip balm. In this set,  you are able to choose from six different flavors. Of course, I went with Rose. I love this guy so much that I already featured it in my July favorites. I love that this balm is more on the thicker consistency. It really hydrates my lips and because of its waxy feeling it really locks in the moisture. I make sure to apply this every night before bed and when I wake up in the morning I still have some left on my lips. Once I'm done cleansing my face my lips extremely soft and plump. The Balm Dotcom is a multi purpose product. You can use it on the lips, dry and chafed skin, elbows and even your cuticle. This stuff is incredible can you ask for anything more?
Since I'm head over heels for my Balm Dotcom in the rose flavor I really wanted to try out some more flavors. I had friends recommend me their favorite flavors so I decided to place another order to try out some more. This time around I ordered the Custom Balm Dotcom Trio. This set allows you to pick three of the cult favorite universal lip balms. I loved my rose balm so much that I purchased a second one to keep at home when I have one in my purse, but mainly for back up purposes haha. I can't stress enough how hard it was for me to choose which other two flavors to pick. I even kept asking Rudy for his thoughts and then I finally came to a conclusion.
My friend Kaye over at Oh Kaye Love blog told me the Coconut flavor hydrates the best so I made sure to pick that one up since I had been wanting to try it ever since she told me about it. I was a bit worried about its coconut scent since I am not a fan of it. Kaye told me that she also isn't the biggest fan of coconut but reassured me that the scent was very faint. First I want to talk about the packaging. I already love Glossier packaging but this one is peach! It is so cute I'm obsessed. Of course, as soon as I received this in the mail the first thing I did was open up the coconut lip balm to give it a sniff. Personally, I don't think it smells much of coconut. If anything the scent is extremely faint and kind of beachy. I think it also smells like a cookie haha. I actually really like the way it smells and I look forward to using it, I already have it inside my purse. I did find that the consistency of the lip balm is different compared to the others. This one isn't as waxy and it feels thinner. It is super hydrating as well!

The last flavor I picked for my custom Balm Dotcom trio was the Original. I really wanted to get either Birthday Cake or Mint but I really wanted a lip balm that was flavorless. Mainly for the days where I don't want to think about any flavor or scent lingering on my lips even though these lip balms are very light in their scent. Some days I just want a very basic balm and I figure Rudy would probably enjoy using this one a lot more than the rose one.
Of course, my wish list is never ending and still there are items from Glossier that I would love to try out in the future. Have you tried Glossier? What do you want to try from them?


  1. Those products sound really good. Glossier always has good products!

    1. I want to try some more of their products soon!


  2. I haven't tried Glossier but I've been wanting to try the Wowder. I heard so many good things about it. I'm so behind on the skincare care.

    1. I just got the Wowder! I'm hoping to write a whole review post on it.


  3. Ohh, Juliana! (sorry, I had to hehe) I ordered Boy Brow while I was in the US, right before I left to come back to Denmark. Now I am wishing I had ordered MORE! This is an amazing haul. I have been eyeing Glossier for months. Now I want Wowder, too! Anxiously waiting to get more Glossier goodies when I am back in the US next year <3

    - Madison from <3

    1. Haha that was cute :) I really want to try Boy Brow next. I'm in need of a new brow gel and that one sounds very similar to the one from Benefit and Glossier is cruelty-free! Wowder has been all over the Internet. I'm planning on hopefully sharing a review on it since I recently received one.


  4. Next time you need to try the birthday cake, I'm loving it! You really sold me on the coconut, I'll need to order that one next time.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. I'll make sure to pick up Birthday Cake next time I'm planning to order more Balm Dotcom. I'm so obsessed with them I don't think I'll ever use another lip balm again.


  5. I've heard good things about Glossier, I have to try their products one day; hope you enjoy the products!

    Narhee | Made in Mauve

    1. Thank you! You will definitely need to make an order one day. Their sets are an awesome way to try more than one of their products.


  6. Still need to test out this brand! Definitely want to get my hands on the cleansing jelly xx
    Editionemmagrace - Lifestyle blogger & Style Sharer

    1. The cleanser is really good. I've used two samples of it and I found it to work so well. You should try the phase one set, its great for first time buyers!


  7. You know how much I love Glossier <3 My current wish list for them is the SPF, their highlighter, and more of their lipsticks. I love how lightweight but pigmented their lip colors are! Probably my favorite on the market. I also really want one of their cute pull overs for fall! Haha, I'm obsessed.

    Kaye | Oh Kaye Love

    1. I'm so tempted to try everything of theirs! I just ordered some new goodies and I can't wait to start using them. The SPF sounds really good I only wish it was at least an SPF 50, but I will still have to give that a try some day ;)

  8. The rose balm is my absolute favorite! Such cute pics :)

    1. Thank you! :)
      It's so good and I've also been really loving the coconut one.

  9. You must! For sure the balm dotcom that has to be my absolute favorite item of theirs that Im using constantly!


  10. I never heard about this brand, I will definitely give it a try! great post :)

    1. Glossier focuses on skin care and very natural makeup. It's a brand everyone should check out and I for one highly recommend their balm dotcom. It is my favorite product of theirs that I have tried.



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