August Favorites

Here are the items I have been heart eyes for this past month.

Life Update: We MOVED!

This has definitely been a long time coming post but it's finally here and ready to make public. It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted on my blog. Today I wanted to share a small-big life update with you all. I feel that I have been somewhat hinting here and there about something happening in the near future for Rudy and myself. We both have been working and planning for this for what felt like forever. Months and months later things started moving along and finally began falling into place, really quick! I feel that everything happened exactly how and when it was supposed to. So here it is, a week ago Rudy and I packed up all of our belongings, loaded up the U-Haul, grabbed Juicy and Bowie, and moved out to Washington!

Glossier Haul

In July your girl finally bit the bullet and ordered her first Glossier package(s)! I already shared one of the items I purchased on my July favorites and there I mentioned how I had been wanting to try the brand for some time. I'm constantly seeing people posting photos or just talking about the brand on a daily basis, I'm not even mad about it. That just made me want to give in a lot more, I mean just look at their packaging. It's so aesthetically pleasing, and the names of their products really pull you in. Since I had been using up a lot of my current skin care product and was going to be in the market for a few things I figured it was the best time to pick up some Glossier products that I had been wanting to try. It's also been such a long time since I've done a haul post and thought it was the perfect time to get one up. This post is a little overdue because of my recent trip to Seattle, but better late than never. I'm excited to share with you what I got. I'm going, to begin with, the first package I ordered and received.

What's In My Carry-On Bag?

As you are reading this, Rudy and I are either on an airplane or are already in Washington! I thought it was only fitting to share with you today a what's in my carry-on bag since I've never shared one like this before. I am using my Fjällräven Kånken Mini backpack in peach pink, duh haha. This bag is fairly new to me and I'm happy to let you know it's cruelty-free! When I got this one of my intentions were to use it as a carry on for this trip and future trips. I've also been using it as my purse. Since it's not a huge bag it's perfect for day to day wear which is the main reason I purchased the mini size. However, don't let the name mini fool you, you can still pack a good amount of things inside of it as you will see. Let me know if you'd like to see an entire review on this bag since I also own it in a different shade. I try to mainly carry essentials like things I'd normally have in my purse along with a few extras like entertainment.
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