July Favorites

My stand out products for the month of July.

How I Keep My Tattoos Bright

I'm constantly getting questions regarding my tattoos from who does my work, whether it hurt, and what they mean. The most common thing people tell me is how bright and vibrant my tattoos look. I take such pride in trying to maintain the appearance of my tattoos and today I wanted to share with you some tips and tricks. Some of these steps may seem pretty obvious or maybe even something you'd never think of. They are very easy and I swear by them. I don't do this routine on a daily basis, I do this one to two times a week especially in warmer months. Let's start!

Blushing Denim

I love denim colored clothing, and that probably has to do with the fact that I hate wearing jeans pants. Denim dresses and tops are my favorites, and I love pairing it with a bright pop of color. My favorite being red! Since I just received these embroidered blush mules I figured blush would go perfectly with the dress. I have been really into loafers and mules lately that I may have to soon share with you all a collective haul! As for now enjoy the few photos of my outfit from Saturday. I tried to get more but it was flipping hot outside!

My Favorite Apps For iPhone

Like most people, I'm on my phone a lot. Whenever I'm out, hanging out with friends, or spending time with Rudy I try not to be on my phone as much. For the most part, I feel that I'm pretty good and putting my phone away so that I can enjoy my time with people. For the times that my p…

Summer Bucket List

I've never made a bucket list for myself let alone a Summer bucket list. One morning as I was browsing through old blog posts I realized that there are a few things I'd love to do this Summer. I always try to think of things Rudy and I can do every season so why not write them down and try…

A Day At The Fair

I can't remember when was the last time I visited a fair. As a kid my family would go to a local fair our church held every single year and I would always look forward to those days. On Sunday Rudy and I went to visit the Alameda County Fair. The fair was really nice and neither one of us had …

The Rose Garden

The first time I visited the Rose Garden was ten years ago, and this was when and where my High School graduation took place. Last Saturday Rudy and I headed over there to spend the early afternoon walking around and enjoying the nice weather. I'm so happy that we finally made a visit here bec…
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