Skin Treats Lusting

I am going to share with you today some items I have been lusting over, that I have never tried, and definitely want to get my hands on. There are a couple items here that I already purchased but haven't started using them and I'll make sure to mention which ones they are. I have oily, semi-sensitive, acne prone skin and some of these products are specifically for that. I have been looking into changing some products in my skin care routine by adding more products that are targetted into helping with breakouts and preventing them. Since I'm running out of a lot of my current products it's the perfect time to share a sort of skincare wishlist.

The first product is one that I purchased a couple weeks ago, and have yet to use. I came across the Sunday Riley U.F.O. Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil and immediately wanted to try it out. UFO is a medicated oil that contains salicylic acid, helps prevent while also treating acne, and also clears congested pores. I'm really all for products that will help with breakouts at the moment since I tend to get a lot of hormonal breakouts. I was told that UFO may cause your skin to purge during the first month of using it. This happened to me when I first began using my Clarisonic, my skin broke out but after a month or so my skin cleared up so much. I'm not too worried if this does happen to me, what is a few weeks of breaking out when you'll soon have clearer skin. I have high hopes for this product and I can't wait to begin using it. This fast absorbing oil works great for all skin types and can be used either in the morning or night time. One last thing, this oil will also smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. (Already Have)

I love the brand Pixi and I have used a ton of their skin care products. Their face masks always intrigued me especially the Peel & Polish. This mask sounds like a salon facial treatment but at home. Massage the mask onto your face and leave on for five minutes to allow the enzymes to activate. The enzyme peel will give you radiance, softer, smoother skin with a healthy glow. The enzyme will also loosen dead skin cells while lactic acid gently exfoliates lifting dull skin and revealing more brighter skin. I love products that offer my skin brightens along with a natural glow. This mask is definitely on the top of my list for the next mask I will purchase as soon as I finish up some of the ones I already own. (Already Have)

My lips get dry and chapped during warm months if I don't take care of them or if I don't keep hydrated. I usually take really good care of them but sometimes I need extra help. I literally have been eyeing the Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask for three years now and don't even bother asking me why I never purchased it, I won't know the answer. Every night before I go to bed I apply chapstick to my lips and I really want to finally try this lip mask out before the weather begins to warm up. The agave in this lip mask will nourish, smooth, and hydrate your lips while replenishing moisture. This is definitely on the thicker side compared to most chapsticks so it's perfect to use overnight, or throughout the day. I'm the kind of girl who always wears lipsticks and matte lipsticks are my favorite formula. A product like this will be very handy to keep my lips looking and feeling hydrated for when I'm wearing lipstick.

Recently I have been hearing a lot of great things about Kate Somerville skin care products. There are a few products of hers that I want to try but specifically the EradiKate Daily Cleanser Acne Treatment. This is the second item I already purchased and have yet to begin using. I really enjoy using cleansers that are more targetted for acne at night and I used to use the Murad time release cleanser. I did enjoy that cleanser however, I wasn't a fan of that fact that it didn't foam up. This EradiKate cleanser foams up and helps with pores, oily skin, acne, and blemishes. This product does contain sulfur so it is a pretty powerful cleanser that will draw out impurities from congested pores. You should be able to use this cleanser once to twice a day without it drying out your skin. I'm excited to start using this cleanser as soon as I run out of my current one. Since I haven't been using any cleansers for breakouts I want to try preventing them as much as I can. I will be adding this to my night time routine and using it along side my Clarisonic. (Already Have)

Lastly, I'd like to talk a little about night time moisturizer. I have only tried one other product from REN which is their Global Protection Day Cream. I believe I received this in a Boxycharm or Birchbox back when I was subscribed to them but I normally don't care or think twice about creams I get sent since I'm extremely picky. One day I decided to use it and I loved it so much that I want to try out more from them. The day cream was very light and hydrated my skin just enough without making me get oily. Soon I will be needing a new night time moisturizer and this ClearCalm 3 Replenishing Gel sounds ideal for acne prone skin. This gel-cream will combat the appearance of breaks while replenishing the skin. The alpha-linoleic acid in this cream will hydrate your skin and will also lighten the appearance of blemish scars. REN products are great for people with sensitive skin. This cream contains a lot of essential oils that will calm and soothe the skin. (Already Have)

What are some of your thoughts on these products and have you tried any of these out?


  1. Your so right about products purging your skin during the first month of using it, that's me right now and I knows its the Drunk Elephant causing it to purge but I'm already seeing results.

    Ohh that Bite Beauty Lip Mask sounds good, I've been wanting to pick up a Glossier Balm Dotcom or the Herbivore Botanicals Coco Rose Lip Conditioner.

    Yes to Kate Somerville!! I'm hoping to pick up their D-Scar Serum this weekend.

    1. Oh no is it? I want to Drunk Elephant products but I don't think they're cruelty-free. I haven't heard about the Herbivore lip conditioner but that one sounds good! I've been seeing Glossier everywhere and it's tempting me to buy something. Oh and I definitely want to try the Kate Somerville scar serum eventually. I don't have many scarring just post blemish marks that doesn't go away as fast as I'd like them to.

    2. Drunk Elephant products are 100% cruelty free. Not all their products are vegan though. ;)

    3. Woo thanks Amy! I'm definitely going to more into their products I want to try out!

  2. Want that pixi mask so much!

    1. It is amazing! I want to use it almost everyday but I have to hold back haha.



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