Memorial Day Weekend

I wanted to take tons of pictures of what my weekend looked like so that I could share here, but I failed once again haha. I don't know why but I always manage to forget to snap photos throughout my day. When I actually manage to remember and get some photos I feel like they aren't enough for a post then I end up deleting the photos I did get. I was about to do that with the photos from this weekend but I decided not to. I want to go ahead and share it with you guys today. Even though there is probably one photo from a day and then a couple of scattered ones from the next, here is somewhat how my Memorial Day weekend looked like.

Saturday began with Rudy and I got up early and headed out to Santana Row for the morning. We grabbed our favorite coffee and walked around the outdoor mall until the stores opened. We stopped at Urban Outfitters and they have become one of my favorite stores lately. I recently picked up some bralettes from there and also picked up a record from Melanie Martinez that I needed to add to my collection. As we finished up in Santana Row we stopped at the mall that is literally across the street and ran a few errands.

Later in the day, we made a stop to Whole Foods to get some flowers. This time I picked up some beautiful peonies. I'm so obsessed with them and as we were checking out the cashiers and other guests kept gazing and complimenting them. As we were leaving Whole Foods I spotted the prettiest brick wall that was painted peach so I had to get a few photos taken in front of it.

By this time Rudy and I were getting hungry and we decided to try someplace new. I had been wanting to try a poke place that serves poke bowls which basically is a bowl version of sushi. We found a place that was like five minutes away from the house. I was probably a little boring with my bowl but I'm not a fan of raw fish. I added white rice, a few scoops of crab salad, green onions, some green bean I forget the name, cabbage, avocado, sesame seed, and siracha sauce. It was so good! We loved this spot so much that we even went back there yesterday for dinner and this time I added some shrimp.

We concluded the night with an episode of Game Of Thrones. I'm on the final season and I don't want it to end so I've been watching it very slowly. I think I have three more episodes to go.

Every year on Sunday my Godfather throws his annual Memorial Day BBQ but before that started Rudy and I visited the Overfelt Gardens Park that is incredibly close to my house and I never been. We spend an hour or so in the morning here and it was so peaceful and beautiful. I really enjoyed it there and even want to go again soon. Of course, I had to snap a few OOTD photos. Once we walked around the park we went back home and hung out with Juicy and Bowie until it was time for the BBQ. Juicy is such a mommas girl she's literally my shadow haha.

Once we got home we enjoyed the rest of the evening by eating donuts and drinking Belvoir Elderflower & Rose Lemonade. We found this bottle at Target and I couldn't wait to drink it. It's so delicious. I always have a hard time finding it too.

Monday was such a sluggish day for me I have no idea why. I woke up feeling extremely exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open. Regardless Rudy and I were out and about did some grocery took Juicy with us as we needed to a park near Santa Cruz. We stopped at Starbucks on our way back home and Juicy got to enjoy a little bit of whipped cream.

I couldn't wait for bedtime since and once the time came I ended the night with a charcoal mask and a bath. After I was done with my bath I quickly fell asleep.
I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!


  1. Lol, I was the same way. I was planning on taking bunch of pictures this weekend for a post but I didn't even take any besides the pictures I snapped. Anyways, your weekend looks great and that poke place looks really good! It's very different to the one Ricky and I get.

    1. I have to set like an alarm or something to remind me to take photos haha. Omg I'm so obsessed with that poke place I even wanted to go there today. We should go eat there one day!

    2. I'm down! I love trying new poke places!

    3. Yay! I'm like seriously craving it every day now!😋


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