
Loving: my new tattoo! On Monday I added a new tattoo to my collection. On the back of my arm just above my elbow, I got the Bates Motel house. Above you can see the photo of the outline that was taken while we were taking a break before adding the color. It was done by Chelsey, and once again she blew me away with this piece. You already know how much I love the Bates Motel show, I was really bummed that the series was coming to an end. I wanted to get something to 'honor' the show and even though it was ending I would always a piece of it with me. I'm so incredibly happy with how the tattoo turned out. I didn't want this piece to be too colorful since the show and house are very dark. Chelsey is known for her glitter work and she managed to add it to this piece is such a perfect muted way. I was a bit unsure how I wanted the flowers to be and if I wanted them to be colored or not. But in the end, we went with red flowers and the center one white, with blood. It came out so cool, I will post a picture once it's healed since I have it wrapped up for a few more days with a wrap called Second-Skin. Oh one last thing, if you pay close attention to one of the windows (maybe zoom in a little too) you can see 'Mother' peeking.

Reading: The Curated Closet. I shared this book on my April favorites and I've been enjoying it so much. I'm not quite done with it yet since the book does come with a few tasks for you to do but it's so much fun! When I began reading this I feel like I already had a good idea about my style since a few months prior I had been getting rid of a lot of clothes I no longer had any use for. I also made the decision on wanting to have a minimal wardrobe and style. This book helped me discover colors I most enjoy using such as black, white accents, red, blush, and jeans (not the pants). I also discovered how I would identify my style: minimal, simple and comfy. If I'm looking for new clothes to purchase now I look for pieces that flatter my body shape and not only what looks good on the display model. I definitely recommend this book to everyone, even if you already feel confident with your current style and wardrobe. There's always room for learning more. This book has also really helped me to rethink purchases so that I won't impulse buy.

Watching: Game of Thrones! I know, this show has been on for some time now and I know many people who are very into it. However, I was never one of those and I don't really have an answer as to why. Since a lot of my shows are coming to an end I was looking for a new show to start. Rudy loves GOT and would always suggest that I'd start watching it. Finally, a few weeks ago I gave in and slowly started watching season one. I am very happy that I started the show, took me long enough, it really is good. I do think there is a crap ton of boring pointless parts but the story is so interesting and gets better and better. I even have a few favorite characters such as Tyrion, Daenerys, Arya, and Jon. I started off watching the series pretty slow and as of right now I just finished season four. Once I begin season five I think I'm going to slow down and possibly give myself a break. I know I always say this but I just don't want the series to end so I'm going to try and prolong it as much as I can.

Hating: inconsistent weather! In San Jose, we've been having a lot of cold days and like most people, I'm wishing for warmer weather. I'm pretty shocked at how cold it has been over here and there is only a little over a month of spring left. The last week of April was hot! A couple of days it hit high 80's and one day it was almost mid 90's, that's way too hot! The last couple of days we've been back to colder days, the day looks very nice but with a very chilly breeze. I just want nice perfect weather, not too cold and not too hot. Is that too much to as for? Haha, I just want it to be comfortable enough to wear a dress since I haven't even been able to wear any this spring. Weather like this also always causes me to get sick and I have no plans on catching a cold anytime soon.


  1. Chelsey has done it again! ❤ I love it. I was going to pick up something like the The Curated Closet book but it didn't look as interesting, I'll have to keep an eye open for that book when I go to Barnes. Ugh don't even get me started on the weather too. Blah!

    1. Thank you I love it so much. Definitely check out this book, last I checked the Barnes at Eastridge didn't have it but they can always order it for you. It's so worth it.

  2. your tattoo is incredible I saw it on your insta and love love love it so much.


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