Mimosas & The Zoo

It's the first weekend of the month and it was a very chilled one for us. Saturday mainly consisted of us running our errands followed by lounging around for the rest of the day. It was very enjoyable and much needed. We rarely get days like these.

 Sunday morning Rudy and I went to one of our favorite breakfast spots, Mimi's Cafe! They have delicious breakfast, muffins, but my absolute favorite is their mimosas! I love mimosas but I don't like the typical orange juice and champagne. What I love about the ones from Mimi's is that they have different flavored juices to choose from such as; mango, triple berries, my favorite white peach, and of course they also have orange juice. Rudy and I shared their seasonal banana chocolate chip muffin and it was so delicious. They're muffins are huge, and I ordered my favorite omelet on the menu.

Our next stop was the Oakland Zoo! I don't think I have ever been to this zoo, unless I did as a kid and can't remember. It was such a nice day so it was perfect being outdoors. I'm going to be honest and I wasn't a huge fan of this zoo. I prefer the SF zoo way more and feel that one has a lot more animals. I did still enjoy myself and we did get to see a lot of really cool and cute animals. When we got home we hung out with Juicy and Bowie outside while taking some photos for the blog that you guys will see soon!

Finally this wouldn't be one of my weekend posts if I didn't end Sunday with a bath. I used my Milky Bath bubble bar and it was my first time using this one. It smells so clean and left my skin feeling so soft.
 I wanted to share this Anastasia Beverly Hills liquid lip in Spicy that I have been using all weekend I even added a couple Snapchat photos from Saturday. I love a red orange lip and this one is one of my favorites. It's a perfect shade for warm days. These two Snapchat filters are also a few of my favorites haha.
How was your weekend? I hope it was a great one.


  1. i actually walked across the berlin zoo today and i haven't been in ages but would love to. also, i love your lip colour. its just beautiful.


    1. Oh I bet that Zoo is wonderful. Thank you so much I love a red lip especially red-orange.

  2. That top and lip color looks so good on you! I also still need to try Mimi's Cafe one day.

    1. Thank you, I'm so glad I went back and bought it. Yes you do its so good. I already want to go back!

  3. i used to work at mimis so id steal a muffin as often as possible.

    i never did have their breakfast though. lol
    i loooove their blue cheese and walnut salad and the turkey ciabatta sammich!
    ....now i want mimis cafe. lol

    1. You did, no way! I love their mimosas so much. If I could go there just to drink mimosas I would haha. I remember loving their pumpkin muffin. That was a good one. I've only ever gone for their breakfast.

  4. Your pictures are phenomenal! I can't wait for mimosas.

    1. Thank you! I love Mimi's mimosas they're the best😍


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