Confessions Of A Blogger

As a blogger, there are some confessions that I have to make.

1. How long have you been blogging? 
Before Ohhjuliana blog I actually had another blog I started back in 2010. I used it to share mostly outfit of the day posts. I ended up forgetting all about it and eventually deleted it when I started this one. I've been blogging on Ohhjuliana since June of 2015, almost two years.  

2. Why did you begin blogging?
The number one reason I started blogging was I wanted to have a place where I can look back at all the memories I created. I also wanted a place where I can share whatever is on my mind that wasn't Facebook of Instagram. What really pushed me into finally creating this blog was when Rudy and I first got engaged. I had a ton of people texting me, commenting on my announcement photo, and even messaging me asking how he did it. It was getting tiring typing up the whole story to everyone one by one, and a blog was the perfect place to share it. I still look back on it and reread it with a smile on my face the entire time.

3. What is the biggest challenge with blogging?
Staying motived and inspired that's for sure. Getting people to be interested in your posts and trying to get feedback from readers.

4. What is the best thing about blogging?
Having people tell me they love reading my blog seriously makes my day, week, month, year! It makes me so happy especially when people tell me they can relate to me or have things in common with me. I love sharing things about myself here and when I hear people have the same interests or just meeting new people because of my blog is seriously the best.

5. Where do you get your inspiration to blog?
I get my inspiration differently every time. Most times I get inspirations from things I love such as clothing, so I create an outfit post. Collections usually consist of things I'm passionate about like Lush products, candles, makeup ect. I've shared a lot of series of my favorite whatever it may be. Sometimes if I have a busy and exciting weekend I love to share that. Youtube and Pinterest are other places I go to for inspiration, even some of my friends who also blog always inspire me with their posts.

6. What is your favorite post you've shared so far?
It's so hard to choose just one. Most of my Disneyland trips are a favorite because I'm always the happiest while I'm there and you can really see that in the photos. I'd have to say my proposal story and engagement party since those are pretty meaningful to me. Also my anxiety story, I still have to get on part 2!

7. What is the most discouraging thing about blogging?
Whenever I don't get the feedback or view count as I want I get pretty down and hard on myself. I was going through that a few months back. I would love for my blog to become successful someday but I've also been reminding myself that at the end of the day this place is mainly for me. An online journal. Plus it's also easier for people to judge you even though they don't really know you. 

8. Are you serious about blogging, or is it more for fun?
A good mixture of both I'd say. I'm pretty serious when it comes to all my posts and never publish anything I'm not 100% happy and proud of. At the same time I love blogging and it's so much fun to do. Definitely a favorite thing of mine.

9. What is your current goal as a blogger?
Continue doing what I'm doing. Blog for me, share what I love, talk about all that I want. Grow as a blogger, continue to learn and meet a lot more blogging friends. Keep things fun, fresh, and unique. Hopefully become a successful blogger as well.

10. What is your advice for anyone that is wanting to begin blogging?
Do it for you! If you go into blogging thinking you're going to become famous and make money from you should think again. It's not as easy as you think and it takes a lot of hard work and effort. A lot of time goes into just one single post. Also, don't get discouraged if you don't have a large audience either. Just keep doing it for you and your audience will grow along the way. I'm also here to help anyone if needed so feel free to send me an email whenever, for anything!

Top: Urban Outfitters Leggings: Forever 21 Sandals: Salt Water Sandal


  1. This post felt very raw, like very truthful. I love your honesty! It's so true sometimes it's hard and discouraging when things don't turn out the way you want them, especially views but keep up the great work. I love your blog! ❤

  2. So true blog on CONFESSIONS OF A BLOGGER. I have seen the same confessions in many other pages too. I seriously loved your blog and have a great time too


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