Lush Products I'd Like To Try

You guys are probably getting tired of me always talking about Lush Cosmetics haha but here we go again. I'm constantly on the hunt for new Lush products to try out. As the new year began I knew I wanted to start branching out and try more variety of their products that I have never tried before. I love going through the Lush app discovering new products and learning a little more about them. It has been extremely helpful doing research on their app along with their website. I'm constantly on both. On there they have a brief description of every product along with some of its features. It's very handy and I've been learning so much about their products. Since I'm always discovering new products I'd love to try I thought it would be fun to share some of those very products with you. Kind of a Lush  Wishlist and maybe this will give you an excuse to try something new from Lush!

(Already Have) I've been dying to try shampoo from Lush I haven't heard too many people talking them. One day while I was inside Lush I saw a bottle that was called I Love Juicy. If you didn't know one of my dogs name is Juicy so that definitely caught my attention. I grabbed the bottle and smelled it then I realized it was a shampoo. This shampoo smells amazing filled of delicious fruity ingredients. It consists of papaya, pineapple, mango and kiwi juices for a nice deep clean. I don't wash my hair often at all as I've mentioned on my hair care post. Sometimes, which is completely normal, my hair will get oily and thats when dry shampoo becomes my best friend. This shampoo is meant to eliminate the excess oils that your scalp produces. This shampoo also contains sea salt which is great for giving your hair volume, which I need mainly in my roots. One last thing before I move on to the next product, seaweed extract is also included in this shampoo and it will soften your locks.

(Already Have) A conditioner goes hand in hand with shampoo and Veganese sounds like my perfect conditioner. I like to be very light handed when I use any kind of conditioners because it can make my hair get and look oily a lot sooner. Conditioner can also weigh your down hair making it look flat. Veganese is a light weight conditioner that won't weigh your hair down and will give your hair a glossy shine. This conditioner is made with mineral rich agar agar, herbal rosemary and lavender infusion. The lavender infusion is great to care for a healthy scalp. When I first smelled Veganese the scent wasn't strong at all but subtle. It was a light fresh lemon scent and I'd love to see what wonders it will do to my hair.

(Already Have) Sticking with hair products the next product I've been eyeing and dying to try out the Sea Spray hair mist. I think because I don't really wash my hair much when it's on day three my hair begins to fall flat. This even happens sometimes on day two hair and it can get really annoying. My roots are super flat against my head and it just looks weird making it look like I have a long head haha not cute. This spray is meant to give your hair volume and body because of the sea salt. Sea Spray contains orange flower, neroli and rosewood blend perfume and it smells amazing, different but just amazing. This spray can be used to style or hold your hair in place along with giving your hair texture and shine. Sea spray is going to be perfect to add that volume that I need in my roots. I've never used any volumizing products or any sea salt products so this would be a first. I've always been a bit worried to use products like this on my hair but since its from Lush I'm sure it'll do wonders.

I haven't tried too many bubble bars but there is one that is always calling my name and it's The Comforter bubble bar. This bubble bar looks and smells of a delicious candy. Its scent actually reminds me a lot of Snow Fairy with them both being sweet. You can use this bubble bar multiple times. Just break out a chunk and run it under the warm water and watch your water turn into a romantic pink color along with your tub being filled of fruity bubbles. This bar contains blackcurrant absolute. I really love the scent of the Comforter that I also really want to try The Comforter shower cream. It's the exact same scent as the bubble bar but in a shower cream version! I find the shower cream to be a lot more potent and I love it. I cannot go into Lush and not smell it. One thing I absolutely love about their shower creams is that they are a lot more hydrating on the skin and at the moment I'm all about body hydration.

I've always seen the display of the massage bars inside Lush stores but it was never an item that I gravitated to. One morning in January I woke up with the worst pain on my back. My muscles felt so sore and I didn't know what to do to ease the pain. I took a warm bath which calmed it down a bit. Then I thought if I had the Pearl massage bar maybe that would have helped relax my muscles. This bar is perfect for sore spots, muscle tensions and will help you feel relaxed. Lush's massage bars melt pretty quick once you touch it which is perfect hydration for the skin. It contains argan and rose oils that will nourish and soothe your skin. Its the same scent as Rose Jam; a sweet, fruity floral scent. This massage bar is on the top of my list especially since it is something I know Rudy would really enjoy since he's always working long exhausting hours at work and always working out. He will definitely benefit from it and is already interested in giving it a try from me always telling him about it haha.

I am ending the post here, but there is still a lot more items I'd like to give a try. I am going to be sharing a part two with in the next few weeks so if you enjoyed this post make sure to keep a look out for that one.


  1. You'll have to let me know if you try their hair products. I'm actually thinking of trying their shampoo and conditioners once I am all out of my Hask shampoo and conditioners but that's going to be a while from now since I recently opened them.

    1. I will! I really just want to pick them up but I need to finish the ones I'm currently using. That will take a while too since I don't wash my hair too often haha.

  2. I love their hair care products! I use Rehab shampoo every other day. It's seriously made a difference with my hair, it's a bit damaged from all the hair dye I put on. I think you'd like the Veganese, it's very light. My favorite conditioner is American Cream. The Big shampoo is also very good. Gives good volume. The good thing about lush is that you can ask for samples of pretty much everything. 😉

    1. I should ask them for a few samples for the shampoo and conditioner. I always forget though haha. I've heard a lot of the Big shampoo and I'm also tempted to try it. A bit scared because it's also so different than what I'm used to.

    2. I guess it also depends on your hair type. I have thick hair, and lots of it. The Big shampoo made it soft but still kept the volume. Other brand shampoos and conditioners make my hair oily or give me dandruff. Lush stuff is complete opposite on my hair.

    3. The Big is the one in a jar right and contains salt right? I don't have a lot of hair but its thick haha. I really want to try their shampoos because I want something thats good for my hair so it can continue to grow like it has been. Right now I'm using one fro OGX and I really like but want to try something new.

  3. i really want to give lush a try because of you=)

    1. Yay! You should I recommend their products to everyone!!!! haha love them

  4. The comforter is my fave bath bomb. It's awesome


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