Haircuts, SF, And Baths

For a while I've been wanting to share a post on my weekends. I always manage to get distracted and forget to take photos. Finally this weekend I managed to snap a few photos even though I wished I got a lot more.

Saturday was a very chilled day. I was home doing some cleaning, going through my clothes, and getting rid of the ones I no longer use. Rudy worked and got home around 3. Once he got home we went out for a little and ended up picking up some coffee, flowers, and sushi. We ended the night watching the series finale of The Vampire Diaries.

On Sunday we started the day extra early curtesy of day light savings. Juicy and Bowie had an appointment for haircuts and once they were dropped off Rudy and I headed to our favorite coffee spot. The next stop was grocery shopping, this is a Sunday routine of ours. Once we got home and put everything away, it was Rudy's turn to get a hair cut. When Rudy was all done with his cut and shower it was time to go pick up our babies and bring them home.

At this time Rudy and were starving since we both managed to forget about breakfast. We both were craving some burgers and went to eat Red Robbin. Since it was such a nice day Rudy wanted to go to San Francisco and walk around the Pier to enjoy the good weather. It was even nicer in SF, our first stop was at a local vinyl record store. Then we parked the car we walked around the pier and also walked inside their public market which surprisingly I've never been to. It reminded me a lot of the one in Seattle. The view inside the marker of the bay bridge was beautiful. After a few hours of walking around we headed back home and spent some time with the pups.

The time change or possibly the busy warm day must have had a lot to do with how tired I was feeling by the end of the day. I decided I wanted to treat myself to a late relaxing bath. I washed off all my makeup, applied a mask, and soaked in the tub with one of my new bath bombs. This was the perfect combo to end the day. Once I was all finished I headed to bed and was asleep 30 mins later.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!


  1. your babies are soo cuuute!
    i love that picture of your dog laying on you! <3

    i love these kind of posts. i need to get back on it too. i used to do it all the time but i stopped for some reason.
    i love these little glimpses.

    1. Thank you so much Leslie :) She is such a mommas girl! I really enjoy posts like this too you get to know and see a little more of peoples lives.

  2. Yes please do more posts like this I love seeing more about your life. I also love how you and your boy are matching with stripes. Love that top.

    1. Thank you, I think I may start doing some more posts like this. It was fun, now I have to remember to take pictures ;)

  3. This was such a cute post! I love going inside that market place, Ricky and I would always go there on weekends, So many yummy goodies to buy!

    1. Thank you :) we always pass by there but never stopped and gone inside. It was really nice and cute.


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