November Favorites

I feel like I say this more and more every month but I can't believe we're already at the end of November. Once we're nearing the end of the year I feel like time seems to go by a lot faster. I can only assume it is due to all of the festivities during this time of year. I don't have too many favorites to share this month but before time disappears on us even more let's jump right onto my November favorites.

My first favorite is the Laura Mercier foundation primer. I feel like I rarely talk about makeup anymore but honestly I rarely even wear makeup nowadays. I still love makeup but I also love not wearing it too ha ha. I got this primer as a deluxe sample from Sephora. I remember using it a few times but nothing about it really stuck out to me. A few weeks ago as I was getting ready for the day, I was looking through all the primers I had in my drawer and found this one. I was getting a little tired of the usual primer I was using and since I started to use this primer again I have noticed my foundation looks so nice. By the end of my day my makeup is still looking fresh, in place and with a natural radiance. My makeup looked so flawless and smooth and I know its from this primer. One day I even decided to use a different primer and my foundation didn't hold up as great and was even disappearing in patches, so gross. Since this is a deluxe sample size I am definitely going to need to pick up a full sized bottle or maybe even try out their oil free version.

I have one other beauty favorite to share this month. I mentioned the Mario Badescu rose water facial spray in my skin care routine post from back in 2015. I still really love this product but since I added a lot more Lush products into my skin care this product got pushed to the back of my pantry and I forgot all about it. For some reason this month my skin was constantly breaking out on me and I had no clue from what. One afternoon while doing my night time skin care routine I saw my rose water spray and remembered how I really loved using this at night time especially when my skin wasn't doing too good. I had read once that rose water is really good for clearing up breakouts and I completely agree. I began using it every day at night and it cleared up my skin so well. I only have about a couple more sprays left in the bottle so I am definitely going to have to run over to Ulta soon to pick up a new one and keep it in my night time routine.
The end of October I received my iPhone 7 in the mail and since the camera on the 7 is larger than the 6 I had to buy a new phone case. I was kind of bummed because I really loved my Alice in Wonderland glitter case that I shared on my May favorites, that case became my favorite case I ever owned. I was on eBay on the hunt for a new Alice case and randomly came across this silicon Doorknob case. I was a bit hesitant to buy it at first because it is a very bulky case and I typically don't go for those cases. I decided to bite the bullet and get it since it was so different from anything I had ever seen. I also loved that it was a case of a more rare Alice in Wonderland character. I am so happy I got this case I am obsessed! I love it so much it isn't too bulky besides his nose but I usually keep my phone in my purse anyway so it doesn't even bother me. I'm not even over exaggerating when I say this but I get compliments on the case nearly every time I'm out and have it in my hand. When I shared this case on Instagram I had so many friends asking where I got it from and now they can find the direct link to it above!
Earlier this month when I made my Christmas wishlist I mentioned that I'd been wanting some type of vinyl storage for all my records. Since then I pulled out my peach Crosley record player from my closet along with my vinyls and started listening to them again. I've owned my record player for well over two years now and I forgot how much I love using it. The vintage vibes I get from it isn't the only thing I love it's also the way music sounds on a vinyl. I enjoy how raw and old school it sounds, music really sounds so much better played on a record. Now that we have our Christmas decorations up I have my record placed one the side of my tree and I've been playing some Christmas vinyls almost all day, which brings me to my last favorite. The vinyls I've been playing the most is How the Grinch Stole Christmas and my She & Him Christmas vinyls. I love Christmas music and I especially loved when I was working in retail that they would begin playing all the festive music the day after Thanksgiving. I know it drove most people insane but it gave me the most comforting feeling. The Grinch is one of my all time favorite Holiday film and I've already gushed at how much I love Zooey Deschanel. The latest She & Him vinyl 'Christmas Party' was on my Christmas wish list too but I just couldn't wait for Christmas to see if I would have received it as a gift. I'm really glad I purchased it because now I can listen to it up until Christmas Day. I really want my vinyl collection to grow so I've been looking around for some more Holiday vinyl to purchase along with non Holiday ones. Give me some recommendations on what vinyls I should check out below!

I'd love to hear what were some of your favorites this month. I already know next month will be filled of tons of Christmas favorites and I'm excited about it.


  1. That phone case is everything! Are both She & Him vinyl's colored? I love color vinyls.

    1. So many people fell in love with that case. Not the first one its black. That one was released in green but it was limited edition and exclusive somewhere I think. I wish I got that one. The grinch is green though and I'm with you on that. I love colored vinyls they make them so much more fun.

  2. She & Him album is amazing.


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