Few Of My Favorite Things

In no specific order here are some of my favorite things.
My MacBook//My iPhone//My engagement ring//Candles//Pretty books//My Disney gallery//Makeup//My Camera//My Keurig//My tattoos//Custom illustration of myself//My record player and vinyls//Chocolate chip cookies//Polaroids//My shadow box filled with Disney pins and memories


  1. Another beautiful post! Is that Noble by Kat Von D? I also want that small candle holder. The struggle to find one in white.

    1. Yes it is! I comes off very light on me but it's still such a pretty shade. Omg I know those holders have become so difficult to find! We'll have to go to Marshall's or Home Goods soon to look.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you :) it's hard to get a photo that does it justice.

  3. Love that Keurig! I'm hoping santa will bring me one 😉Is that the camera you use to film videos and take pictures?

    1. Fingers crossed that you get it! It's so handy. Yes that's the camera I use for all my photos on my blog, so some for my IG that aren't selfies. Videos too! I love it so much.

  4. Cute heart bowl. ♡


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