My Top Favorite B&BW Candles: Fall Edition

Summer is over and Autumn has begun! I'm so excited for fall because it is my favorite season. Leaves begin to fall and change colors, the heat begins to subside and as cooler weather approaches, longer nights, cuddle season, Halloween and more holidays to follow. Lots of things to look forward to and since it is now Autumn I am back to share my favorite Bath and Body Works candles fall edition. If you've been reading my blog for a while now then you remember back in July I shared my favorite B&BW Summer edition candles. I had a lot of fun doing that and thought it would be even more fun to continue sharing my favorite candles for every season because I have different favorite candles for each season. These aren't in any specific order I am just going to begin.

I love a variety of candle scents from fruity, to mildly sweet and fresh clean. For Fall I think most of the candles I enjoy are a lot warmer and cozy if that makes any sense. First candle I am going to share is very Fall or should I say Autumn appropriate, and it is called Autumn. When I smell this candle I automatically see myself in fall weather, walking down the streets that are filled with golden leaves all over the ground. The fresh crisp and chilly air, and the feeling of the Autumn season approached us. I love to burn this candle in the late afternoon just before the sun begins to set. It gives me the best feeling and I am obsessed with the fresh scent that it gives the house. I believe this candle is a cult favorite of many and it is always being re-released every year. I always make sure to pick up one each year so that I am never without it.

Notes: bright red apple, cedar wood, fir balsam.

The second candle I'm going to talk about is a must for me to have during this season. Pumpkin Apple is definitely on the top of my lists of favorite candles. Apple scent is already a favorite of mine and even though I wasn't always a fan of pumpkin I do love the way it smells. The mixture of these two scents are perfect and screams fall to me and are two of my favorite fall scents. I think the juiciness of the red apples go so well with the spiciness of the pumpkin. I don't know what more to say about this candle you have to go pick one up and smell it for yourself. It fills up the house with such warmth and its perfect on a more chilly Autumn evening.

Notes: apple, pumpkin, cinnamon, cloves.

Moving on to a more sweeter candle. Pumpkin Caramel Latte was the very first candle I ever purchased from B&BW four years ago! When I purchased it I stocked up and I am now on my last candle. I have yet to see this same exact scent to be brought back this year. I know B&BW usually carries Caramel Pumpkin Swirl this candle is the closest I can compare the latte to. Caramel pumpkin Swirl is a good candle that I own myself and really enjoy. You can't go wrong with either one of these, the latte one is just a little more warmer in scent and I find the swirl a tad more sweeter. This candle is definitely on the more sweeter side like I said in the beginning and I can't have it burning for too long. One hour maybe two hours at the most but it makes the entire house smell so delicious. The scent lingers through the house for hours which is why I find I only need to burn it for an hour or else the scent will become too strong and ends up making me feel sick. Regardless of how strong and sweet this candle is having a pumpkin caramel candle during this season is another must in my book especially since I like to switch my candles around every few days.
Notes: creamy pumpkin, spiced caramel, sweet cream.

Back to another fresh scented candle. I absolutely love candles like Autumn and Sweater Weather because they really give off a fresh clean scent. This is another candle that I believe is a lot of peoples holy grail when it comes to the Fall season for very good reasons. The smell is amazing and screams Fall! Theres nothing better than crisp cold fall breeze kissing you slightly on the face. This candle makes me envision that and it also reminds me of fresh clean men who doesn't love that?! You can not go wrong with burning this candle during the day or late afternoon. I feel candles like these really sets the fall mood and I just love the feeling while being cuddled up. This is another candle that I always need to make sure I have in stock in my room.

Notes: eucalyptus, juniper berry, fresh sage.

For the last candle I'm going to talk about is one of the newest of my collection. I already spoke about the Pumpkin Banana Muffin on my September favorites and since day one I knew it was going to be a fall favorite candle. Even though I haven't owned this candle for as long as I have all the others it's already a favorite of mine and a candle I can see myself continuously burning each year during Fall. When burning this candle it fills the whole house making people think you are baking banana bread it's so delicious and not overly sweet. I'm so happy B&BW finally came with a banana scented candle and it being pumpkin banana is even better.

Notes: caramelized banana, pumpkin purée, walnut, cinnamon sugar.

These are all the candles I'm sharing for my favorite fall time candles. What are some of your must have candles for this season?



  1. Currently my favorite: Pumpkin Banana Muffin also :)
    That pumpkin apple is also perfect for autumn. I thought I would like the Pumpkin Caramel Latte but it was too sweet for my liking.

    1. It is very sweet but if I burn it for a little is perfect. That's why it's lasted me so many years haha.

  2. Autumn is my favorite.

    1. It's so I love how you can smell the apples in it.


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