Birthday Month Giveaway! ♥ (CLOSED)

Wow you guys, we're already in the month of September and this month is a very special one to me. This is the month in which fall will begin and it happens to be one of my favorite seasons. It means we're getting even closer to Halloween! This is also the month Rudy and I met four years ago, hello four year anniversary! It is the month that we share our birthdays with one another. I know I've mentioned this countless of times before, Rudy and I share the same birth day which I think is still so cool. It just makes that day so much more special and I wouldn't want to have to share it with anyone else but him. Since September is such a fun and meaningful month to me I thought it would be really fun if I were to do my very first giveaway! I wanted to show how appreciative I am to everyone who takes the time to read my blog and leave me sweet comments. It means so much to me and always makes my days. I have never done a giveaway so I don't really know which is the best way to go about it. I knew I wanted to make entering the giveaway super easy so I decided to give you guys two options on how to enter. The first way you can enter is through this very post, here's how!

- Leave a comment with your full name and email address. (So I can contact you if you're the winner.)
- Tell me what's been your favorite post I've done so far?
- Share what future posts you would like to see on my blog?

That is all you have to do to enter my giveaway. If you would like to higher your chances in winning you can enter a second time through Instagram and this is how you can do it!

- Repost the photo I posted on my IG regarding this giveaway.
- Tag me on it.
- Hashtag #OhhjulianaGiveaway

With doing this you are entered! If you're deciding to enter through IG you must be a follower of mine, I will check, your page has to be public in order for me to see it, and you can only share the photo once. No spamming please. This giveaway will only be for my domestic followers, I am so sorry if there is any international followers that wanted to enter. I will make sure to include you guys on a future giveaway. One last thing you must be at least 18 years or older to enter!

Now for what I'm sure you all have been waiting for, what will the winner receive?
I wanted to add a variety of items from skin care, makeup, and a few random goodies. I'm not going to share everything that the winner will win because I want some of it to be a surprise. The items on the photo above is only some of the things the winner will be receiving. Everything is brand new and has never been used. You will receive more than 15 items that range from travel sized to full sized and almost everything included is items I myself love and use. The last day to enter the giveaway is on September 20, I will reach out to the winner via email or IG on the 21st so please get back to me as soon as possible. I will be leaving town for my birthday and I would like to have the prize shipped out before I leave. You have more than a week to enter so Good Luck everyone! If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments below.



  1. Desiree Rivera :)
    My favorite post(s) <-- was kinda hard just to pick one lol... I loved the Disney wall post as well as your favorites posts, the favorites posts allow me to learn about new beauty products or other cool items, as well as relate when you've mentioned something I'm already using or loving!
    As far as future posts, maybe a live vlog post of a Disney trip (day at Disney),favorite skin care products or like a look book outfit posts :)

    1. Lots of good favorites! On this last trip to Disneyland I was actually planning on vlogging the trip and I ended up completely forgetting. I will definitely do it this trip for my birthday♥ Thank you for entering.

  2. This is such a cute idea!! I've always read your blog since we follow each other on IG & are friends on Facebook, but this is my first actual comment! Lol
    Name: Kayla Gonzalez
    Email address:

    My favorite post so far has definitely been your 50 random facts! I love learning more about my internet friends! It's fun to learn the little things about people that you can't always spend IRL time with.
    Posts I would like to see are a few more recipes! I made the salted caramel cookies you posted about & they were so good! I love baking, so any tricks, tips, or advice that I can get, I love!!

    Your blog is so cute & I love reading about your life & I've seriously gained so much from your monthly favorites posts. Also, my little girl adores looking at all your Disney pictures!

    1. Yay that makes me really happy that you've enjoyed those posts! I'm so happy you loved the salted caramel cookies as much as I do. I will definitely bring in more recipes. I'm also so happy to hear you've learned so much from my blog!

      Dahlia is such a cutie!!!! I'll make sure to share more Disney trip photos just for her :)

  3. Carragin Mullikin

    I completely ADORED your tattoo posts and your Disney posts!! Your facts about yourself was one of my top favorites to read! You are literally the cutest!! I have loved following you and seeing everything!! I would love to see more of the Disney things you buy as a blog :) I have already bought a couple things that I saw you bought! :) Oops! lol It would mean so much to win this!!
    Keep posting lovely!!

    1. Thank you SO much! Disney posts are so much fun to make. I have a recent Disneyland haul post coming in a couple of days so keep an eye out for that. Thank you for taking time to enter.

  4. Mayra Sotomayor

    My favorite post would definitely be your monthly favorites. Is that cheating? :D I've found a lot of new favorite products through you and your YouTube days as well. [Which i hope we get to see more of]

    As far as future posts, I'd love to see some outfit posts. I love your style! As well as your eyeshadow looks and I'd love to get to know more about you. Maybe some tips on how you deal with your anxiety?


    1. I'm extremely happy to hear that so many of you enjoy my monthly favorites! I've even thought of skipping it a couple of times since it doesn't always get feedback. Youtube will hopefully be making a come back this month or early October and I have added outfit posts to my list of to do. Thank you so much for your feedback and for entering!

  5. Rubi Ruiz
    My favorite post has got to be your Disney wall post! Everything about your wall was intriguing not to mention adorable. From your peachy wall to your picture frames & your lamp! & how you used a candle container for your brushes was very smart, I actually ended up trying this for some of my brushes as well. I love your love for Disney:D<3

    1. My Disney wall post was definitely a good one. Definitely a fun one that I did and a favorite of mine as well :) What kind of posts would you like to see in my blog for the future?

  6. Liz Elsner
    Favorite posts are your Disney wall and your Tattoo collection series!
    I'd love to see an all time makeup favorites post (your ride or die makeup favorites) or a how to use Hush gel for tattoos :)

    1. Ohhh it'll be so hard to choose just one for my all time favorite makeup favorites haha. Hush Gel post is definitely coming! I'm almost done with it and I just need to either film a demo or take photos for as a demo♥

  7. Imelda Montano

    My favorite posts are all your Disney post, especially the Disney wall post!

    I think I've shared with you some cool post ideas for the future but I would love to see your collections. For example, Make-up, pins, mugs, Alice merch.

    P.S: I love you & your blog!

    1. I love you!!!!

      Those are some really good ideas! I've already started on the mug collection and that should be coming soon. Makeup collection would be a good one to film! That way I can show everything I own instead of typing it all down and then taking photos. I might have to do that soon.

  8. Natalie Gutierrez

    How can I pick just one post as my favorite?! lol To start off definitely any of your Disney posts especially your Disney Wall 😍 and more recently your Harry Potter posts!

    I would love to see more posts on the "technical" side of blogging. For example, like a beginners photography guide or how you edit pictures on Instagram or even how to start a blog!

    This is such an awesome giveaway you're doing especially during your birthday month when it should be all about YOU! I hope you and Rudy have an awesome birthday!!! 🎂🍰🎉

    1. Those are some good suggestions. Awe, well my blog is all about me so I wanted to do something to involve my readers and show my appreciation for all of them :) Thank you so much we'll have to have a great birthday since we'll be at our favorite place💞

  9. Ashley Tolmasoff

    My favorite posts of yours would definitely be your reviews of lush and makeup products! I've been curious about Dark Angels and Tea Tree water from lush and after reading your post I definitely stopped by a store and finally asked for a sample. I really like it, and a little sample goes a long way!

    As for future posts, I'd say continue the reviewing posts! I always like to hear about what new products i should try.

    1. I'm so happy my reviews have helped you! Thank you do much for reading my blog and entering my giveaway💖

  10. Katie Short

    I love them all! My husband is a huge Disney fan and totally got me to become one 😄
    Keep doing what you're doing!

  11. Loved the hair post. Always felt gross or that I was the only one not washing my hair every day. I never would have tried those products without your recommendations!

    I would love a couple videos here and now. The snapchats look great & I wouldn't hate a vlog!

  12. Aimee ���� Hey girl heyyyy
    My favorite post!?? That's hard!!! �� You love everything I do! Lol but I think I'll say the one about your Disney wall/room because it brought me to your blog! And because it was the first time I saw decor that I liked and wanted to try without it looking too childish. I also ended up ordering the Snow White cards and have them in my room! ❤️
    Future posts? I would like to see more Fashion posts! I love your style! Maybe a Disney fashion post! Honestly I don't know what could be added because I love it all! Lol


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