Luna Lovegood

On Saturday I had an appointment to get tattoo number forty-six! (I think...) It's been a while since I got my last piece which was back in December, in other words, I was overdue for one. I knew exactly what I wanted to get next for some time now but I had to wait until my tattoo artist, Chelsey, had an available spot for me. She is an amazing artist that I have mentioned multiple times on my blog and she gets booked super quick. In the last week of July I was able to snag an appointment with her, and I was so excited to get this done! Chelsey and I have a lot of things in common. We are both big Disney, Star Wars and Harry Potter fans which only seemed fitting that I would have her do any tattoos related to those. I think she is an expert in that department and she did do a phenomenal job on my Alice in Wonderland teacup and my Stormtrooper piece. People are always staring at my stormtrooper and pointing to it while I am at Disneyland. Everyone loves that piece including cast members. I knew she was the perfect person to do this next piece (and all future pieces) on me.
I already have a Harry Potter tattoo which is a Deathly Hallows sign on the side of my boob, still, I wanted to get another. Luna Lovegood was the perfect edition to add to my tattoo collection because she is my absolute favorite character. Luna isn't just cute and quirky but is very smart, brave and open-minded. She looks at things in different ways and isn't afraid of being different. Why is it that people are labeled as weird just because they aren't the same as everyone else? Luna is unique and just as 'sane' as everyone else. I decided I wanted to get her signature Spectrespecs with a similar phrase to her iconic quote "You're just as sane as I am" below it. I decided on this quote because one is my favorite, and secondly, the meaning I see from this quote is that no matter who you are or how much better people may think they are compared to others at the end of the day everyone is the same. No better, no less "you're just the same as I". That being said I got "Don't worry you're just the same as I". I still wanted it to be similar to her quote but a little different. Like Luna's quote I can see her saying don't worry you're not crazy you're just like me, regardless of her appearance or what people thought of her. So for everyone that had felt the need to tell me this isn't her "original" quote or its wrong, I know that wasn't what I wanted and now you know why I got it this way.
I decided I wanted to get this piece on my right arm. It wraps from the inner bicep to the top of the bicep. The inner parts of my arms are very sensitive and I bruise ridiculously easy that being said for this tattoo I took precaution and used my trusty Hush Anesthetic numbing gel. I swear by this stuff and I've briefly mentioned it on a past tattoo series post of mine along with the tattoo video I did on youtube over a year ago. I'm thinking of making an entire video dedicated to the Hush gel since I'm always getting tons of questions about it from my friends and Chelsey even gave me the idea of doing a video/demo on how to use and apply it. Let me know if that is something you guys would be interested in.
Like always Chelsey created something even more amazing than I had envisioned. The colors used for the spectrespecs turned out amazing and looks exactly like the pair I own. One thing I noticed right away when I first came across Chelsey's IG was how amazing her color pieces look and they are all so vibrant.  If you look closely you can see that some of the circle patterns on the frame have glitter and there is also a hidden Mickey! Did you find it? Let's talk about the lens real quick, how cool do they look? Chelsey made it look like it's literally spiraling. Everything turned out exactly how I wanted and more. The lettering for my quote is even in the Harry Potter font and it was such a cute touch to it. This piece turned out so magical and I can't stop staring at it. I love Harry Potter and this was just the edition I needed. A piece of Luna with me, always ⚯͛



  1. I loooove the meaning behind it, this is my new favorite tattoo of yours. I still remember we were planning on going together to get the deathly hallows tattoo with Jason but I never went. Waaaah!

    1. Thank you!!! I love it so much and my arm is so bruised right now. I remember! You still need to get yours and I need to get my touched up. I already spoke to Chelsey about my arm!

  2. I love this tattoo and I see now why you changed the quote. It is a beautiful meaning. Rock it!

    1. Thank you, a lot of people just feel the need to be right all the time and fail to see that I chose exactly how I wanted it to say. People are ignorant.

  3. can i please get that video on that numbing cream please!!

  4. Love this!!!!! It is such a beautiful piece 😍 I've been itching to get another tattoo since I got my first one last November! The video on the numbing cream would be so useful for my future tattoo endeavors lol

    1. And I just took the Pottormore sorting quiz and was placed into RAVENCLAW so seeing this piece made me super excited! lol

    2. Thanks girl! I was anxious for a new tattoo since my last was from winter time. Yay I'm definitely going to make a post dedicated for that gel along with a video! Ahh lucky! I wanted to be Ravenclaw but the hat has sorted me into Gryffindor three times! Grr!

  5. Gryffindor is awesome! I thought for sure I was going to be Hufflepuff cause EVERYONE tells me I'm too nice lol Needless to say i was pleasantly surprised. Yay! Can't wait to learn more about it!


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