The Walt Disney Family Museum

Yesterday Rudy and I drove up to San Francisco to spend the morning at the Walt Disney Family Museum. We've been to this place a few times together already but I absolutely love it. This museum is what I like to call my home away from home aka Disneyland, I say the same thing about the Disney Store haha. I had been telling Rudy for a couple of months now how I had been wanting to go back to the Walt Disney museum but his work schedule had been very crazy and he had been working nearly every Saturday since June. This weekend we finally got some us time and it was nice to get away from the San Jose heat for a few hours.

I love Disney as you all may know by now and one of the main things I love from Disney is all their earlier films such as Snow White, Cinderella, The Sword in the Stone, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty you get the idea. These films were the ones I grew up watching and I still love watching till this day. They bring back such wonderful memories from being a kid along with believing in all the Disney magic, which I still believe in today. I was thrilled that currently the Walt Disney Family museum have The art of Pinnochio exhibit and I was excited to check that out. I wanted to of course take tons of pictures but for this exhibit photos weren't allowed so all I was able to take from there was the memories. However at the main museum you are allowed to take photos and that is what I did and I wanted to share some of them with you today.
The view from a glass window in the museum.
This is the saddest part of the exhibit, saying goodbye to Walt when he passed away.
I love this place and it meant a lot to have been there yesterday since yesterday was Disneyland's 61st birthday. We celebrated in our own little way at the Walt Disney museum with Walt himself
I am going to end this post with some of the goodies I purchased at the museum gift shop. The wooden pen says Once Upon a Time, I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.


  1. Awww I loved seeing all the pictures. I need to go back. P.S I loved the picture of you and walt.

    1. Thank you, I kind of wished I took more. Haha when I saw him posed like that at the entrance immediately I was all to Rudy, "Look I'm hanging with Walt!" then he snapped a pic haha. I love this place.

  2. I love all the photos you took. I agree I love that photo of you and Walt I need to make a trip of to Frisco one day and visit this museum.


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