Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall...

This is something I should have probably written and posted back in March or even early this month. The last couple of months I have really been into Lush again. Years ago I was obsessed with of course their bath bombs but never tried anything else until recently. I have been loving a lot of their products but today I wanted to talk about something specific. Every Holiday season Lush comes out with a bunch of limited edition items and scents and one day I so happened to be there with my friend Imelda while they had their Easter collection. Once we walked in the employees were about to experiment with one of their bath bombs and called us over to watch. The bath bomb they were about to drop in a tub of water was called the Humpty Dumpty. Once they dropped the bath bomb it created the most beautiful shades of pastel colors and the scent was phenomenal to say the least. Imelda picked up a few things along with the Humpty Dumpty bath bomb. One of the employee had mentioned to us that with the Humpty Dumpty bath bomb you can use it as a whole or break it down the middle and inside you will find a formed fried egg, so cute! Breaking it in half you will be able to get three uses out of that one bath bomb which is really great.

Ever since that trip to Lush I couldn't stop thinking about that bath bomb and how amazing it smelled. The following week or so that Imelda and I hung out I made sure to get my hands on one and so I did. I ended up loving the bath bomb so much I had it in my room and the scent made my entire room smell so good that I wanted to stock up on them just to keep them displayed somewhere in my room. The scent is so lovely, sweet but not overly sweet at all which I am happy about. When things are too sweet it will either give me a headache or ends up making me feel nauseous. Online on Lush the scent is described as notes of bright bergamot and Brazilian oils also caramel. I'm not sure if I smell any of that since the scent of the bomb is pretty hard for me to put into words but its a very unique scent.

I ended up going back to Lush with Rudy after Easter and the one I had gone to was completely out of the Humpty Dumpty. I was so sad about this but figured Easter is over and it is limited edition. The next day we went to another Lush store at another mall by us and once again all gone. I asked one of the girls working there and she had told me they had a couple on the register display and they were sold already and that was all they had left. I checked online and they still had some in stock I just really didn't want to have to order them online but that was what I ended up doing. The day that my package was being delivered Rudy and I went to the that same mall early morning to do some walking and I had wanted to back to Lush once again to pick up a new item and to my surprise they were fully stocked with the Humpty Dumpty bombs! I was a bit upset since I had placed a order but I looked passed that and decided to pick up some more ha ha.
I now have a little boxed filled with them and each time I walk in my room or when the breeze from the open window blows in I can smell the bombs and it just makes me so happy, is that weird? Ha ha it's definitely a very pleasant scent if you go into Lush I highly recommend you guys checking this bath bomb out if they still have them in stores I'm almost certain you won't regret it. Since Humpty Dumpty is limited edition I am trying not to use it since I don't know if they'll bring it back next year. So for now I am enjoying the fresh scent it's giving my room♥



  1. I finally used mine and OMG, I'm obsessed I think I need to order more too! P.S they look so cute in that wooden box.

    1. Check Valley Fair before you order because that's where they restocked after I ordered online. Did you end up using it all at once or did you break it down?

  2. I broke it down. Since I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get another one.

    1. I need to use one of them this week! I used the avo bath bomb Thursday and it smelled heavenly.


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