Wedding Inspiration

Recently I have been so inspired towards looking at wedding ideas for my wedding. It's still so surreal to me that I am engaged. I have dreamt about Rudy proposing to me for what feels like forever. When he finally did I couldn't believe it and clearly, I still can't. I can not wait to marry him and spend the rest of my life as his wife and him as my husband. Ahh, that gives me butterflies and makes me so giddy just to think about. As soon as we got engaged I became addicted to Pinterest! That place is the motherload of inspirations and my favorite site for it. Like I said recently I became inspired all over again to look at ideas for what I would like mine and Rudy's wedding to look like. I think this may have to do with the new Wedding book my friend gifted me. Here are some pictures that I really like and would love to have something similar to my very own wedding.
(All photos were found on Pinterest.)

If any of you lovely ladies (or men) have any suggestions for a Bride-to-be please feel free to comment down below. I'd love talk wedding with you guys.

Future Mrs.Zambrano


  1. I'm in love with all these ideas. You are doing such a great job with the inspiration.

    1. Thank you, now to make all these ideas real! ;)


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